. Ashtar – “The Intensified DNA Updating – Phase 2: The Sun, The Moon, and The Falling Stars”

August 18, 2022

Greetings, Family!

Its nice to be here once again The Earth continues its journey toward meeting with its original luminosity and you follow on this carriage of so many learnings, carrying the energy of renewal in your hearts, for that is what has been happening, powerfully, in the last few days times. I told you about “Watching the Dust” (video: http://www.sementesdasestrelas.com.br/…/ashtar-a… ) recently in one of my posts, and now I’m going to give you a little more of that process: how your bodies are being watched by the lunar and solar forces.

My dear ones, I recently informed this transmission source of ours – Neva – about these energies: how they have intensified in recent times, how solar projections have increased considerably and how explosions in the solar core t are reverberated and sent transformative waves to the Earth as well as over the intensity of the lunar force and how these forces have been messing with all of your cells. For eons of time, all of their bodies have been misaligned from all the traumas they have suffered, and at that point, the Solar Angel and Lunar Angel have begun their more direct collaborations with these alignments.

You will notice that with every full moon, solar or lunar eclipses, or even from Earth, as well as solar explosions will increase their energetic effects on the surface of the Earth and on all living beings, whether in body or off it. When these waves arrive and meet your energy fields, they start a true cleansing by turning your cells and “tasting” in them everything that is impregnated and can no longer be part of. It’s a real “shake the carpet” and dust off your energy fields.

They will obviously perceive a greater need for rest, as their bodies will need to recalibrate with each new wave received from the sun or moon, and they need to respect that call for rest. All this influence on your bodies will open up more your clairvoyance and your abilities to access multidimensional fields, because the densest layers that prevent this are being removed. It is natural that many of you are now beginning to have more dreams, much more lucid dreams, and extra-physical experiences, as the veil continues to fine-tuning and the layers being removed allow for these reopenings to the subtle environments of existence.

You will also perceive greater ability to understand our messages, on a multidimensional level. In a short linear future, a quantum apparatus will enable “connections” to other realms of existence where, just like you call a friend in another city, you’ll be able to maintain similar contact with other dimensions.

Obviously, the forms of communication with us will be vast and, as they advance towards the meeting with their own multidimensionality, little by little, they will no longer need any external information, when everything will be very clear ro within you.

Surely there are many souls on Earth that still need help too. They will be given every possibility to reunite and realign their bodies, so that they can enjoy their soul freedoms, without pain and suffering. Unfortunately, there are still souls who choose the more difficult paths and we must respect them in their journeys. Even with all the infusions of the highest vibrations coming from the sun and moon and all the angelic realms watching them as well as the billions of ships at my command, we will be ready to help whatever is needed to get you up, again , and see each other again.

Behind the scenes of the governments of your world, the influences of solar and lunar projections also cause tremendous movement. Those who still have some dominion over this planet are about to be completely evacuated, not in the way they imagine, but as the Universal Laws will take care of, in a more just and ethical way. Surely, you more sensitive Lightworkers feel somehow all the commotion on the surface and in the next three orbits. Many of you will be able to find turmoil in the skies, because there is a lot of cleaning work being done, and the solar and lunar infusions allow an advance in our work in these layers. Such energies melt the layers of protection from the non-Confederate ships that orbit and attempt to threaten life on Earth. We hereby ask our transmitter to provide you with an example of what has happened in low Earth’s orbit, when our ships enter and neutralize the dark forces still active:


Recently, a non-Confederate ship from the lower fourth dimension materialized and, due to an intense solar wave present, it lost its support and, before it hit the ground, it disintegrated. We relocate all members of this ship to our regeneration laboratories and are under the care of our collaborator *Vrillon. Some residents of the State of São Paulo could sense a “bang” (video: http://g1.globo.com/…/clarao-no-ceu-impressiona… when we disintegrate it, thus avoiding greater physical disorders. Just so you guys know, we are very active, much more than you know.

More situations like this will keep happening, like “stars falling from the firmament”. Non-Confederate fleets suffer tremendous influences from the crystal projections that bathe the seven kingdoms that make up the Earth and its sublayers. Amidst it all, dear Lightworkers, we reinforce our continued support and protection in everything possible, through, always, your openings and conducts. We can’t go beyond what you allow yourselves to. Enjoy every day of your life on Earth, for you will never forget all the experiences that made you the masters you are today.

Ahhhhhh! And as I know they will ask: “- Ashtar, what about the Virus?… What about the rumors of wars? “I already tell them: “- Watch the dust!… “ And be ready to see more than you imagined, when she come down, completely. Even though you are very warned about what has been happening, you will still be surprised about everything that is happening. Watch out for the dust… Watch out!… And I guarantee it: THERE WILL BE NO MORE GLOBAL WAR ON EARTH, OR NUCLEAR EXPLOSION THAT AFFECTS THE HUMAN MASS. – That’s a promise, my promise to all of you.

I am Ashtar Sheran I command billions of ships And we are all ready to intervene, directly, just in case someone – who does not speak for us – acts with that malicious intent. And thats how it is


In Love, Light and Humanity,

Rafael (Neva / Gabriel RL)

Textual review: Solange Yabushita & Cristiana D’eleuterio / Star Seeds

Source: http://www.sementesdasestrelas.com.br/…/ashtar-a…

Author: Yoda