Queen Romana telegram page – https://t.me/s/romanadidulo
Her latest Decree. Very interesting….
~Royal Decree~
To The Attention of:
1)We The People of the Kingdom of Canada
2)The Kingdom of Canada Armed Forces and Special Forces
3)US Armed Forces and Special Forces
4)Global Allied Forces and Special Forces
5)BAR – British Accredited Agency (Canada)
Re: BAR = British Accredited Agency – Zero jurisdiction in the Kingdom of Canada.
I AM Queen Romana Didulo, Queen, Commander – in – Chief, President, Head of State, Head of Government, and National Indigenous Chief of the Kingdom of Canada hereby immediately and effectively REVOKE and NULLIFY any and all rights, privileges, and Licenses granted to British Accredited Agency (BAR) to practice Law.
Note in particular: The Kingdom of Canada is under Natural Law not Maritime Law.
Violation of this Royal Decree will result in fine of no less than $500,000, 000.00 (Five Hundred Million Dollars) and minimum thirty years in Federal Prison.
This Royal Decree is effective immediately dated today April 21, 2022 and retroactive July 1, 1867.