Battle for Greenville Airport: White and Red Hats Find FEMA Trafficking Children

By M-i-c-h-a-e-l B-a-x-t-e-r | October 9, 2024

A White Hat/Red Hat coalition early Tuesday morning engaged armed FEMA at the Downtown Greenville Airport in South Carolina, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told R-e-a-l-R-a-w-N-e-w-s. He said the alliance expanded its offensive south in response to reports that FEMA and other federal agencies had commandeered the airport and blocked the runways with vehicles and helicopters to stop citizen pilots from bringing relief supplies to storm survivors in North Carolina.

For simplicity, we’ll refer to the White and Red Hats as “the Union.”

The Union strike team confirmed the claim upon arriving at the airport at 2:00 a.m. Tuesday. “Black” helicopters and FEMA Tactical Mobile Command Vehicles blocked either end of both runways, and four agents ambled about in the dark casually discussing benign topics, such as which team would win the World Series. One goon compulsively glanced at an illuminated watch on his wrist, asking the guy beside him when relief would arrive so he could get some sleep. He complained he hadn’t slept in over 24 hours. He pointed at the runways, neither of which was lit, for FEMA must have turned off the edge lights to dissuade bold pilots from attempting a precariously dangerous landing.

“No one’s getting in or out of here at this hour anyway,” the agent said. “I need some damn shut-eye.”

His companion replied, “We’re here till we’re relieved; deal with it.”

Concealed behind buildings alongside the taxiways, the Union used parabolic microphones to overhear FEMA’s chatter. They had been given the transpicuous order to eliminate FEMA.

Four Union snipers, whose rifles had either night vision or thermal optics, took positions on rooftops and aimed at the unsuspecting FEMA agents. The snipers were a second away from putting bullets in the agents’ brains when a “hold fire” message crackled in their earpieces, issued by the team leader.

He had seen one of the agents speaking into a handheld radio and heard him instruct the other visible agents to clear runway 19 because a flight would soon leave the airport. The runway lights got switched on, and the distant rumble of a turboprop’s engines filled the Union’s parabolic mics. Somehow, they didn’t initially spot the pilots that emerged from the Greenville Jet Center, 1500’ away, and boarded a Cessna 441 Conquest, a twin-engine turboprop with a maximum range of 2000 miles.

The plane taxied to the Runway 19 threshold and idled.

As the Union was assessing its options, six blindfolded children, flanked by two additional FEMA agents, appeared outside the SAI Flight Companies maintenance warehouse. The feral agents told the crying children to keep their damn mouths shut and walk straight ahead lest they fall on their faces. They were leading the kids to the idling Cessna.

“This we weren’t expecting, and it for sure put a chink in our plan,” our source said. “Eight agents. No problem. The task force could’ve taken them easily, but with kids in the mix, it complicated the mission. The snipers didn’t want to risk hitting the children, so they borrowed FEMA’s playbook.”

The goon who had moved FEMA’s trucks off the runway had also conveniently left the doors unlocked and the keys in the ignitions. A Union soldier slipped inside FEMA’s armored Bearcat G5 tactical vehicle and awaited orders to swerve onto the runway, blocking it.

Meanwhile, Union snipers kept the four roving agents and the two guiding the terrified children toward the airplane in their sights. One child asked his captor why they were blindfolded at night, to which the agent replied, “So you can’t see who we are.”

“I know who you are—you’re FEMA,” the kid said, and the agent slapped his face with such force the kid’s head spun sideways.

“Belligerent punk, keep your mouth shut,” the agent said.

When a second child stumbled, fell, and cracked his chin on the shallow steps to the cabin door, the same agent called him a wimp and said, “Soon you’ll have something to really cry about.”

The two agents stood behind the children, pushing them up the steps.

As the last child boarded the Cessna, Union snipers cratered the agents’ skulls, and the Bearcat G5 came screeching to a halt a hundred feet ahead of the plane. The driver dismounted and pointed his rifle at the windshield.

Elsewhere, Union forces dispatched the patrol, reportedly with such fury they didn’t stop firing until their magazines were empty.

“Kidnappers deserve what they get. Our guys stormed the cramped cockpit and asked the pilot why they were trafficking children. He denied it. He claimed the kids were storm victims and that FEMA was taking them to safety. Well, that didn’t sit right.  Why would they have to be blindfolded? And removed in the dead of night? Well, they killed the pilot, justifiably if you ask me,” our source said.

After freeing the children, Union forces firebombed the Cessna and FEMA’s ground vehicles, and searched the buildings for more feds. Although finding none, they received a radio message saying FEMA reinforcements had learned of the incursion and were heading to the airport from Greenville, Brookhaven, and Easley.

Rather than stay and fight, they opted to get the kids to safety, and then return to the airport with a larger force.

We’ve been told they did return several hours later, but we’ve yet to hear the results.

Our source said the situation elsewhere has worsened. White Hats have intercepted credible intelligence indicating that FEMA, FBI, and ATF agents have erected mobile command centers just outside the projected impact zone of Hurricane Milton, which is barreling toward the Sarasota-Tampa area with 160mph sustained winds.

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Author: Yoda