. AA – Just Do It!

*  All life is moving to a higher vibrational frequency

*  Light energy is flooding to the planet from higher cosmic source
*  Fifth dimensional sun is expressing more
*  Everything is collapsing around the third dimensional illusion
*  Those holding truth back are forced to disclose truth to stay in control
*  Those in ships watched the entire plan
*  Deep state is no longer in control
*  Forces of Light are many steps ahead of forces of darkness
*  More seeming chaos coming
*  You will feel the call to move forward in your mission
*  The Collective You determines how this plays out
*  System must fully come down before the new can arise
*  The possibilities and probabilities of the future are known
*  Masters are not allowed to disclose the future
*  Reach out to bring others the truth
*  You create your reality
*  Formulate in your mind the reality you wish to live in
*  You are your higher self, the fifth dimensional expression and beyond
*  The beginnings of the dominoes are falling
*  Ascension is the goal
*  Raise your vibrations and you raise it all around you
*  Release cultural programming
*  Floods in Australia are cabal driven and not from nature
*  Ten days of darkness is possibility this year
*  Weather modification through darkness operates when humans are in fear
*  The souls in the Light community move forward and take others with them

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Author: Yoda