How Qanon Began – The Most Powerful Speech Ever Given By President Trump

The “Draining of the Swamp” is here. Thank you Mr. President for all that you do.

  • Thank you for draining the underground bases where so many children were being kept slave.
  • Thank you for draining of the Illuminati behind; just about every fake media giant.
  • Thank you for draining the Cabal out of Washington.
  • Thank you for draining the UK Queen and Vatican controlled Babylonian fiat banksters system.
  • Thank you for draining the dark CIA budgets that funded the Zionists agenda to destabilize the entire Middle Eastern region.
  • Thank you for draining the neo-feminists whose mission is to abuse the legal system to emasculate men into a second citizen class and reduce us to prison and jail populations for the massive harvesting of LUSH.
  • And thank you for draining all of the other stuff that we just can’t talk about.

At we are with you, we honor you, we salute you, we thank you. God bless you and your family.

And God bless America !

Author: Yoda

2 thoughts on “How Qanon Began – The Most Powerful Speech Ever Given By President Trump

  1. God Bless Our President and all involved behind the scenes. I hope I make it. My life is tough? So much I do not understand.

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