. Food & Beverage Brands That Contain – NANOBOTS

A brief story of the WEAPONIZING of food, for the absolute mind control of humanity ….

Nanobots are microscopic robot technology that may be activated remotely via satellite, to go to the desired part of the brain and stimulate accordingly.

So for example if Cabal with for you to feel safe about an specific vaccine, or to make you feel butterflies for an specific presidential candidate, these “Cabal controlled” food suppliers, would then distribute these nanobots through their channels, then these nanobots would travel to the pre-program parts of the brain they were programmed to travel to.

These nanobots would then be activated via satellite waves, to make you love or hate certain ideas or thoughts which would then be carefully coordinated messages, speeches, or shows on television.

For further awakening ………….. yoda@MailHaven.com