. You Can Now Begin To Hear The Bells Of Freedom Once Again (Master Saint Germain)

Jul 3, 2022

– It is meant for the independence of the entire planet and all of the people on the planet.

– The United States: united, together as one, and bringing the entire world together, the entire planet. All of the people together as one.

– There is a force at work.

– And you can begin to hear the bells of freedom once again as the great bell sounds once again, calling for freedom across the world.

– Freedom is everywhere around you if you just but look for it.

– There are influxes of energies that are going to be coming in more and more, leading to the Great Solar Flash.

– Just as we are the Ascended Ones, you are becoming the Ascended Ones

– Those of the Alliance, those of the Resistance Force, that Cobra speaks about, all one in the same here we will say, they are in process of removing much of the detriment that is holding back the ascension of man.

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