Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Oct. 31, 2020

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 31 Oct. 2020

Compiled Sat. 31 Oct. 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Judy Note: On Fri. 30 Oct. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact stated that he knew long ago that Kim Goguen was a fraud and a CIA mind-controlled deceiver sent into the currency community to cause trouble. On Tues. 27 Oct. in an interview with Charlie Ward, Goguen admitted that on Sat. 24 Oct. the Black Dragon Illuminati tried to initiate a Global Currency Reset using their (fiat) currency, but their codes didn’t work.

On that same Tues. 27 Oct. 2020 the Department of Defense initiated with codes that did work, a kickoff to the Shotgun Release to pay out all 27 categories of the GCR/RV primary tier accounts.

At 12:30 pm EDT on Thurs. 29 Oct there was another release to keep the reset moving toward a Shotgun Start. The Tier 4B exchanges start had been delayed, again, because of numerous security issues such as Nuclear Dirty Bomb threats to Washington DC (that a Nuclear Radiation Detection Helicopter has now contained).

From now to Mon. 2 Nov. watch for notification emails from Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, et al. to put out a Secured Website from which you could set a redemption/ exchange appointment.

Restored Republic: On Sun. 25 Oct. US Inc. was officially defunct and the United States of America was Restored to the original Constitutional Republic.

All Hallows Eve (Halloween) – the Cabal’s major Satanic holiday celebration of the year – began Thurs. 29 Oct. and would go through Sun. 1 Nov. From now through Halloween and the Nov. 3 Presidential Election, the [D]eep [S]tate was expected to celebrate S[a]tan’s Birthday by causing extensive chaos through disrupting food and delivery system distribution, funding riots in major cities, along with causing confusion at the voting booths for a purpose of stopping Trump’s re-election and RV exchanges. We could expect Mass Arrests and perhaps some form of Martial Law.

In the preparation for and during the Cabal’s All Hallows Eve celebrations children were at High Risk as a prime target for the Cabal’s s[e]x orgies and child s[a]crifice rites in honor of S[a]tan. Please keep an eye out to protect children from being [kid]napped, plus stock up on provisions in case of shortages in your region during a possible declaration of Martial Law.

Trump was predicted to win the election in a landslide, with indictments on global elites delivered shortly after, along with implementation of NESARA / GESARA for all countries worldwide.

The Ides of March 2021 would see exposure of names of the global and political elites whom had been charged, tried and convicted of numerous Crimes Against Humanity, including videos of their taped confessions at GITMO.

A. Unconfirmed Rumors:

* On Fri. 30 Oct. there were large military movements at Camp Pendleton Marine Corps in California, while the 32nd Naval Street Station was empty of all the ships and two aircraft carriers. One was coming back to be refitted with new munitions and personnel.

* If Biden lost the election Chinese Communist Party troops were stationed in Vancouver Canada ready to move into Washington, Oregon and California with the blessing of governors of those states.

* Starting this weekend, Antifa-infiltrated Trump rallies, police depts. and local gov’ts would turn on citizens.

* A Gitmo Sergeant of Arms said the place was full of high-ranking personalities.

B. Fri. 30 Oct. Evening Fleming’s Military Intel Contact stated that Dr Charlie Ward was genuine and that he knew long ago that Kim Goguen was a fraud and CIA mind-controlled deceiver sent into the currency community to cause trouble.

Judy Note: According to Kimberly Goguen in a video interview with Charlie Ward on Tues. 27 Oct. 2020, on Sat. 24 Oct. the Black Dragon Illuminati/ Cabal tried to initiate a Global Currency Reset using their (fiat) currency, but their codes didn’t work. Our Military Intel Contact confirmed that on that same Tues. 27 Oct. 2020 the Department of Defense initiated with codes that did work, a kickoff to the Shotgun Release to pay out all 27 categories of the GCR/RV primary tier accounts.

C. Fri. 30 Oct. 5:51 am EDT Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

1. Trump’s Redemption Team was still working on starting us any time Fri. 30 OctSat. 31 Oct, or Mon. 2 Nov.

2. Tier 4B currency holders do NOT have to register their currency serial numbers, nor do they have to join a group to get the best rates.

3. The rates were very high in the Redemption Centers.

4. The talk from some sources of no 800#s, or exchanges for Tier 4B currency holders was FLATLY FALSE and deliberate misinformation.

5. There has been a lot of misinformation put out there as the bad guy were trying to gather up currency holder serial numbers and/or currency notes from unsuspecting people so they could use them for their own profit.

6. This was another sign that we were at the end and the RV Shotgun Start was ready to go.

7. Mr. Fleming’s and Bruce’s sources said that they were still trying to start us in Tier 4B before the election next Tues. 3 Nov.

8. Trump has pressed the RV teams to make it happen and we needed to be alertly watching our email inboxes on Fri. 30 OctSat. 31 Oct. and Mon. Nov. 2.

9. The decision-makers have NOT JUST MADE EXCUSES for not releasing the RV. One of the reasons timing has changed constantly behind the scenes is they were CONTAINING THE WAR WITH THE [D]EEP [S]TATE that were FIGHTING THE RV RELEASE.

10. As Charlie Ward, Ph.D. said on Thurs. 22 Oct, it has been “ONE HELL OF A FIGHT” for Trump and the Department of Defense against [D]eep [S]tate threats. Even though the bad guys have lost the war, many [D]eep [S]tate worker bees still have not gotten the memo and were fighting on.

11. There have been numerous security issues that the Department of Defense (DoD) Security Teams have been working on behind the scenes to make it safe enough to execute the Shotgun Release. He said that we had no idea how much of a fight it has been behind the scenes just to get this RV released and GESARA measures implemented.

12. US, British, Chinese, French and Russian intelligence sources agreed that the purpose of the [D]eep [S]tate C19 lockdown, mask & vaccine operation of the last ten months was to HELP PREVENT and FIGHT THE RV/GCR and to FIGHT the implementation of worldwide GESARA measures returning to the people [D]eep [S]tate money, power and control.

13. The C19 plan was implemented globally to protect the [D]eep [S]tate’s old SWIFT banking system and their centuries-old operations to hijack governments and countries politically and economically.

14. The DOD Security Teams have been working with Alliance counterparts to arrest, take out, and eliminate those responsible.

15. US Intelligence sources, as well as British, Chinese, French and Russian Intelligence have agreed with the May 2020 French military investigation that the C19 Scamdemic was an act of war that mandated Alliance military intervention to take down [D]eep [S]tate global networks, bases, & leaders over the past nine months under section 7 of the International Criminal Code:

16. Right now, this week and next week Nuclear Dirty Bomb threats to Washington DC were being searched out and contained using a special Nuclear Radiation Detection Helicopter. That helicopter has been flying over DC twice a day in a systematic search for any [D]eep [S]tate planted Nuclear Dirty Bombs to stop what Zerohedge describes as any “nuclear or radiological incident” (

17. If you wanted to know how devastating that could be, watch the depiction of a Nuclear Dirty Bomb killing thousands and flattening Baltimore in the movie “The Sum of All Fears.”

18. Over the past weeks [D]eep [S]tate Puppet Masters (Rockefeller and Rothschild agents) have tried to use the US election to trigger a war between China and the US.

19. DoD and Alliance Special Op Troops have had to move swiftly to arrest, take out and eliminate [D]eep [S]tate bad actors responsible in Shanghai, Beijing, NYC and Washington DC.

20. The DoD has been working on containing threats by the Chinese Communist Party leaders (excluding Chairman Xi whom the Communists have been fighting over his support of the RV/GCR).

21. China DOES have a [D]eep [S]tate faction in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that cooperates with the US Rockefeller-[C]linton-[O]bama-[B]iden [D]eep [S]tate.

22. Think Feinstein, [B]idens, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg with CCP nationals working in Facebook on algorithms censoring anti-[D]eep [S]tate narrative, pro-Trump FB posts.

23. Behind the scenes these CCP leaders have threatened to invade Taiwan if “their man” [J]oe [B]iden was not elected next Tue 3 Nov.

24. Three years ago [D]eep [S]tate Puppet Masters (Rockefeller and Rothschild agents) in the US got their CCP Chinese counterparts to believe that if Chinese agents bought and blackmailed the [B]idens, China would economically and politically control the US including Canada & Mexico and most of Asia – principally Japan, Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula.

25. Details of the above were now being exposed by the White Hats through Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski and evidence of [B]iden crime family corruption being exposed by Rudy Giuliani.

26. Because Security Teams have been containing security issues like these, as of 12:30 pm EDT on Thurs. 29 Oct there was another release to keep moving things forward toward the Shotgun Start and start of Tier 4B exchanges.

27. Also on Thurs. 29 Oct. there were meetings that reported: “There were numerous high-level meetings in the US Treasury on Thurs. 29 Oct. regarding strengthening the USN dollar against the asset-backed value of other RV currencies like the Chinese Yuan etc.”

28. Bankers, Paymasters and attorneys who left their banking centers on Thurs. 29 Oct. because they lost patience, needed to be ready to be called back within the next 24-48 hours when the Shotgun Start was to be initiated, or they would be left behind to play catch-up as the Shotgun Release would start without them.

29. The Military Intel Contact asked that we continue to pray over the release process as we watched our email inboxes for notification emails from Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, et al. through Fri. 30 Oct and the weekend.

D. Communist China and the Final Battle Between Light and Dark:

E. Did Trump change election night party to White House due to security concerns?

F. [J]oe [B]iden Corruption – a national security risk: The real question was, how could [J]oe [B]iden, who was believed to be a ped[o]phile, child [traffic]ker and treasonous government official for 47 years and who carried out the murder of Seal Team Six, still be running for President of the United States?

Giuliani Unleashes on [J]oe [B]iden:

FBI Concealed Evidence [J]oe [B]iden Knew About Son’s Burisma Corruption:

Verbal Confession by [H]unter [B]iden:

G. ***Keep It Quiet!!!*** On Thurs. evening 22 Oct. a new communications systems monitoring of Social Media posts, Emails, Text messages, Discord DMs, phone conversations, etc. became effective through the NSA and military Intel (DIA). After you digitally signed a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to obtain a exchange/ redemption appointment and then another NDA at your appointment, you would be legally obligated not to discuss or write anything about the Global Currency Reset (GCR), Redemption, Exchange, Revaluation (RV), Currency exchange rates, Dinar, Dong, ZIM, etc. and Quantum Financial System (QFS) for at least 90 days, or whatever time period was on your NDAs. To do so would break conditions of those NDAs and your monies would be frozen.

H. *** Must Watch Videos ***

“How [J]oe [B]iden Got Millions in Foreign Bribes,” Rudy Giuliani:

Fox Tucker Carlson interviews former [B]iden business associate Tony Bobulinski.

Glenn Greenwald resigned from The Intercept after it censored his article on [J]oe [B]iden. How can the same censorship engulfing the press, engulf the media I co-founded?

“The Underground War Happening Right Now, Part 2”: Underground DUMBS

“[O]bama[gate], Official Movie,” Judicial Watch:

I. Occult Calendar of D[e]monic Holidays: All Hallows Eve (Halloween) – the major S[a]tanic holiday of the year – was in full swing Thurs. 29 Oct. through Sun. 1 Nov.

According to [S]atanic [R]itual [A]buse Survivors (SRA), there would be human s[a]crifices performed in thousands of local S[a]tanic Covens using victims of any age, male or female, as per an Occult Calendar compiled by licensed therapists using childhood accounts of their SRA clients.

Be aware of S[a]tanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the r[a]pe, t[o]rture and m[u]rder of other children. Months in advance S[a]tan worshippers planned for the event by [kid]napping children (especially on Halloween night). Over the three day Halloween Celebration, the victims were starved, tortured and used in s[e]x orgies in preparation for human s[a]crifice rites.

Please report suspected S[a]tanic activities to your local law enforcement. Since S[a]tanists were known to infiltrate police departments, also contact U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE):

You can also call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 and/or contact the Federal Human [Traffic]king Website:

If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international s[e]x [traffic]king, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/ or the non-profit Saving Innocence.

J. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” Judy Byington

WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was r[a]ped, tortured, forced to view a Child S[a]crifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost k[i]lled herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of S[a]tanic Worshippers. S[a]tan-follower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child S[a]crifice Cult on down to the [C]lintons, Hollywood, Pizza[gate] and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”

K. It’s All About the Children

It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children. The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office, was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child S[e]x [Traffic]king Ring run by global elites. Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and k[i]lled by S[a]tanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:

Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive [S]atanic [R]itual [A]buse, Ped[o]philia and Child S[a]crifice that was rampant in our international society.

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfire Lady who was adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who worked around the clock to discern what was real in the fake news; to Brad who did great research; to Ken who uncovered almost unlimited Intel on ped[o]philia to help us Save the Children and to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will; WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it would generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to agree to in order to get appointments.

After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days. After sending out the Safe Link Website I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going. This was not a goodbye. I expected to be working with many of you in the near future. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know all of you. You will remain in my heart forever.

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Today …. We HONOR the fallen heroes, who were betrayed and downed by the deep state cabal.

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Former U.S. Navy Decoder with highly valuable intel from the Deep-State agendas, elite bloodlines, Adrenochrome, satanic cults, and the D.U.M.B.S (Deep Underground Military Bases), to alien races, ancient civilizations buried underground, Antarctica, human harvesting, God, and The Great Awakening.

❤️ PLEASE SUPPORT OUR GOLD STAR FAMILIES❤️ ⭐⭐ Susan Price, Mother of Marine Gunnery Sgt Aaron M. Kenefick, KIA Sept 8, 2009, Ganjgal Ambush, Kunar Province, Afghanistan

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Prime Creator: Final Phase

Oct 1, 2020 | Channeled by Erena Velazquez

I am Prime Creator, 

You call me different names your Father, Creator, Source and your God. I am here today to deliver this message to humanity, that we The Galactic Federation with Ashtar in Command and me as Prime Creator, we are starting The Final Phase of Ascension on Earth. 

Our crew, all of the fleet and ships are ready to finish this mission, which was started a long time ago. We are prepared to complete this project and move on to a new one, so we are looking forward to that. Our ground crew here on Mother Earth are going to for fulfill their missions, this why they came here. 

We are also expecting that the Alliance is going to announce The New Republic called Nesara and a new financial system will be ready to launch, which we call Quantum Financial System and the currency is going to be backed up by gold. You have heard about all of this for a long time now in many different sources. Now, it’s time to carry out all of these tasks and proceed to The Final Phase of our Project Planet Earth called Ascension. 

I would also, like to mention that all of the Twin Flames residing on Mother Gaia, they need to be ready now, to follow their destinies to raise the consciousness of the humanity by being good examples and doing their missions. Before they can start to do that, they need to reunite on a spiritual, physical and on a intimate level with each other. 

They have an important role in the Ascension Process. There are not too many of Twin Flames here on Gaia. They are a rarity in general even in many Universes, Galaxies and Planets. Very few of them can find themselves in this 3D matrix. Please, don’t confuse Twin Flames with soulmates. Let’s do, what we came here to do, our work and to help humanity to move forward to a new life, where there will be no more diseases or poverty, only joy, happiness and love. 

I am your Father and you are my children, and I want you to understand me correctly, everything I am saying today, It’s very important, so please, take this message very seriously, as we know by now, that all of you would like to be in 5D, and we The Galactics want to finish this mission and start planning a new one. It has been so long for our crew and for all of you being here in this 3D and experiencing all of these turbulences, obstacles and horrors. 

Now, it’s time to go to a better reality and leave this duality behind by advancing forward to a new existence, which will have no pain or suffering, only love and prosperity. We are doing our best and we have everyday briefings about the situation on Earth: what type of progress has the planet made, how many more humans got awake, how are they doing and etc. 

We are constantly checking everything around your world, making sure that Terra Christa is not going to be destroyed by the corrupted souls, who tried many times to blow up this planet and still continue to try to end life here. The Dark Ones just don’t want to give up, they will fight to the last second and breath, because they feel Earth is theirs. They want to keep it as a slavery planet forever, if they can’t have it, then they want to destroy it. 

I and the rest of the Galactics, we don’t want continue this suffering here anymore, because we all agree, it’s enough already. Everyone got their portion of being mistreated, put down and constantly pinching your pennies daily to pay your bills, it happened so many times in many different lifetimes, we want to see all of you blossom and be happy. 

Yes, I would like for humanity to be prosperous, and money is going to come from different sources. We are just waiting, when the wealth is going to be redistributed by the Alliance on planet Earth. They are the ones, who keep postponing the delivery of wealth to the people. We gave the green light a long time ago to give the prosperity away and to stop the suffering of humankind, but Alliance always gives excuses, on why the wealth is not given to the people. 

They keep coming up with all the excuses in the world, why it didn’t happen yet, because of some obstacles that keep popping out, so the Alliance is continuously postponing everything. I made it very clear to everyone here on Earth, who is in charge of the redistribution of money, that they can’t delay it any longer, the wealth needs to go to humanity. This is the time to start shining through with the abundance, and it’s enough already of keeping the human population being constantly suppressed, controlled and abused. 

The people on Earth forgot that they are multi dimensional beings. Humankind has been enslaved for far too long on this planet by being constantly forced to reincarnate here and not being able to leave this place. 

I, Prime Creator, bringing to your attention that the Ground Crew needs to start working on your assignments. Please, let’s finally bring liberation, freedom, light, love, peace and wealth to this world. I am aware that in this 3D matrix changes happen very slowly. To get things done here is much more complex than in higher dimensions. We don’t want that the funds would be stolen by the negative souls, so the Quantum Financial System is going to prevent that from happening. 

Humanity can’t afford to anymore to wait for the redistribution of wealth, they need now all the help they can possibly get and as soon as possible. I am bringing to your attention Alliance who have control over the prosperity, let’s start sharing the funds with the human beings, there is too much suffering on Mother Earth. 

The Galactics, Me, Prime Creator are diligently doing our part and we are expecting the same in return. My requests are never questioned by my crew, The Galactic Federation of Light or by the counsels. Everyone is doing their part, because all of them know how important it is to bring this planet and humanity to Ascension of 5D, so they can finally become Galactic Humans and leave behind this 3D duality, where nobody has any rights, they are constantly being forced to follow rules and they are always being controlled or told what to do and how to live their lives. 

Please, look right now at humans who are walking around with masks. They can’t even breath through these masks, but this is the order, you must wear the mask, because it’s suppose to keep you safe from the virus. I am sorry to break the news to you, but this mask will not save you from any virus, it’s the opposite, its going to create more issues for you in the near future, especially with your lungs. 

I have been around for a very long time, I have experienced and seen so many different events around so many places in the Universe. I created many different Planets, Galaxies and Universes, so I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, that we are doing our absolute best to make sure that Ascension is going to happen. Sometimes, you may have doubts about our existence, because you are not seeing us in a physical form. If you connect to your soul or your heart, you are going to be able to see us and sense us, as we are all connected spiritual beings. 

This 3D life here, its meaningless compared to who you really are, you are multi dimensional beings with a lot of power, and you don’t even remember, because they erased from your memory, your DNA was also alternated many times. Your bodies became weak, they age and deteriorate since the day you are born that is not a natural process. You were created as an immortal being who can live for millions of years and not just 60, 70 or maybe 80 years, and leave the physical body behind. Then you are forced to be reincarnated again, comeback to life with no memories or recollection of the past life and continue again this Matrix with all of it’s miseries, obstacles, hardships and diseases, this cycle never ends. 

Long time ago, civilizations like Lemuria, Atlantis and a few other ones became very high dimensional societies and then they self destructed because they let their ego take over them. We don’t want this to happen on Earth, because the Dark Ones have been controlling this planet for a long time. They are constantly manipulating everything here: weather, food, you name it, medicine and etc. The medicine here is more like poison, it doesn’t cure, it maybe heals one part of your body and then it creates new problems in other parts of the body. 

The Darkness has been controlling planet Gaia for a very long time and the Negative Ones have been breaking all of the rules of the Universe and getting away with it, because we set up ourselves the rules that don’t work anymore, and we are in the process of creating new rules that are going to make things easier for the next civilization to ascend. They won’t need to go through the same hardships, experiences and obstacles like on Earth. 

We are not allowed to do certain things here, like to extract anyone from this world and take them back to their home or interfere in this 3D reality. Unfortunately, these rules worked in the favor of the Dark Forces and not for the humanity, so we are in the process of changing them. We are even replacing the counselors, who have been in favor of these old rules. The new Counselor who has been selected as The Grand Counselor is Queen An-Ra, and she is in the process of changing these outdated rules, because we have billions of planets in galaxies and in universes, it will take some time to implement them and they are going to be enforced. Right now, the rules are not helping the human civilization at all, they just keep extending the suffering on Earth. 

We are starting The Final Phase of Ascension, and we have some big things coming up that we need to take care of. We never disclose any dates or sensitive information as the Negative Forces would use it for their advantage. I am just reminding to the Ground Crew here: Alliance, light warriors and light workers, please, help us to bring this Earth to Ascension. 

Daily meditations are very important and essential in the Ascension Process. I am aware that every Ascended Master in every message has mentioned to you already about it. Please, do daily three to four times a day or even more your medication. Any second you have free, instead of spending time on something that doesn’t have a deep meaning, please meditate. Your meditations will help everyone on Mother Terra Christa to bring the whole planet to the light, like how it’s supposed to be. 

We are expecting for a new financial system to be launched, redistribution of the wealth for humanity, announcement of Nesara Gesara Republic, massive arrests and removal of everyone who is not working for the good of humanity. I am very busy overlooking this process, I understand how important it is, so any chance I have, I share in a message with all of you and I am also here in person working with the group. I find the time to help anyone who asks for help, because it’s very important for me and the rest of us to finish this 5D Process of Ascension. 

We want to see everyone in 5D, please do your part. You all know and understand that your participation is very crucial in this process. I am happy that we are starting The Final Phase, and I am pleased to be here today to let you know, where we are right now. I am grateful for each of you, who are doing their best trying to help humanity to be in a higher dimension. 

I am sending all my love to all of you. Thank you, I am Prime Creator. 

Channel: Erena Velazquez

Humanity must prepare the physical body ASAP … please read!

Transmission from Arcturian Collective- Humanity Must Urgently Prepare, Please Read!

Transcript of Channelled Messsage
Tatanka Nehweh for Arcturian Collective – 19 September 2020

Starbeing speaks:
‘A galactic collective wish to speak with you regarding some upcoming upgrades to the collective DNA templating. We are a collective of Arcturian starbeings, part of the Galactic Federation of Light, in service to the transition of life forms on the planet to higher dimensional frequencies. We are appreciative of the opportunity to speak with you and request for you to relay this transmission to those with whom this message will resonate.

In 3 weeks (around mid October), there will be a cosmic event occurring that humanity must prepare for. Transition into 4th dimensional density is occurring and this will directly affect the stability of the planet. The {human} consciousness must be prepared to experience certain phenomenon that will seem unusual particularly in the sky. You must stay out of fear.

It has become necessary for a (galactic) intervention to help humanity and planet Gaia keep pace with the acceleration of other ascension related phenomena occurring throughout the cosmos. The ascension shift occurring on your planet is going to move into hyper speed or overdrive. The time is collapsing much faster towards the point of cosmic neutrality and the human beings must drastically address their alignment to integrate these frequencies. We come to give you notice/warning of preparation. For what is to come will shake to the core life as you know it. ‘

(Tatanka is shown many starships beginning to encircle the globe, manifesting/materializing out of nowhere. They’re parked and observing. Frequency of these crafts is interfacing with the frequencies of the earth. These ships are creating a buffering forcefield/network generated to dissipate any vibrational impact from what is approaching the earth.)

‘There are cosmic phenomena affecting the magnetics of the planet. The earth has moved into a different vibrational & dimension space (4th density). She is transitioning through a zone where other ‘native’ celestial bodies/forms in their orbit pose a potential danger along her course.’

(Tatanka is shown, Gaia is tranditioning out of 3D into 4D where there are planets we don’t usually see in our sky, like Nibiru. Those other planets/asteroids are going to be influencing the earth , mostly energetically, as she transitions through this corridor. It is a rough ride to navigate for her).

‘Many messages are being targeted to distort frequency and facts. Mixed message designed to lead the masses astray and divert focus from what is truly IMPORTANT AT THIS TIME. Many distractions abound on your planet to keep humanity in a state of unpreparedness for the real challenges that are presenting. It is IMPERATIVE that humanity begins to accept that which they are seeing and knowing deep within, to be true.

1000s of our ships and beings have come from far and wide to assist in this transition. It is in the great interest of Gaia and all-star nations seeded upon her, incarnated through her, the great portal stargate that she is, that we have all come forth to facilitate the shifts that fast approach.

PREPARE YOUR PHYSICAL BODIES. The best way to do this is to fast. Begin intermittent fasting as soon as possible because this is going to enable a frequency shift very fast. It will allow energy currently being utilized for digestive & metabolic processes to be redirect towards the upgrading of the neurological systems.

At this time, fasting for at least 16 hours a day is required to assist us with a planned intervention to perform necessary upgrades to the nervous system templates allowing frequency alignment to occur as Gaia moves through this transitional field of altering magnetics, heighted radiation and photonic activity. Upgrades are being done in holographic form working with the soul group templates. Star beings are assisting through our (healing) chambers to radically bring humanity up to speed with these vibrational shifts. Your systems are undergoing a manual upgrade.

We are having to intervene in the organic processes, which have run out of time for the human collective to reach the optimal levels of DNA activations required to safely integrate an acceleration of frequency. We have been given special permission and clearance to directly intervene in humanity’s awakening and to assist with reconnecting the templates because the organic (ascension/evolutionary) process is being negatively interfered with beyond humanity’s ability to achieve an ascended state on its own. Therefore our assistance is required to bring forth the alignments that will allow the flow and integration of intense light frequencies and shifting affecting your planet in the weeks and months ahead.

Also, there are areas on the earth’s body plane that are still in a compromised state. If Gaia is unable to integrate these higher frequencies (due to density and trauma blockages), cataclysmic events will result. We speak on a bio-physical level. The body of the mother earth is in great need of assistance to allow these frequencies to move through her, with ease. We are assisting at an accelerated capacity to support the integrity of the body of Gaia as she moves through this 4D transitional zone.

This is not the disclosure of ETs in the way you have come to understand it. It is an intervention of the alliance to massively assist in this critical moment. However, there will be certain phenomena in the skies. They [mainstream media, fallen ones] are looking to create as you call them ‘false flags’ to distract. Much of humanity is only looking down, down, down here on the earth & while you’re focusing [on dramatic constructs]you cannot be aware of what is truly occurring all around the cosmos and within you.


It is of great importance to exercise discernment in these times. All manner of manipulations are abounding. Assessing information through ones’ own vibrational resonance is critical at this time.

Prepare yourselves. You will know the moment of which we speak. Your personal focus has been more often on the skies recently, has it not? The sun appears to be setting in a different place or the sky and sun are sometimes a strange hue. It is US who nudges your attention up towards the celestial space , keep your eye on the sky!
The signs will come.

Be in the heart space, & assist us in assisting you [humanity) to realign your neurological & energy circuit systems. For most people, this upgrading process must be done during sleep time, in an unconscious state, because the re-alignments often occur with symptoms such as involuntary physical movements , twitches & vibrating, or hot and cold sensations in the body. It can feel an intense or ‘unnerving’ experience. For some the physical activations will already be felt while reading this message. We encourage you to relax into the visceral process and allow it to be completed without resistance. Let the downloads flow.

This message is encoded with light frequencies. We are asking you to put forth the physical form of these words into the human collective consciousness field. It is the manifestation of (and vector for) this vibrational transmission. Where you send this message, who sees it, who heeds it… you do not have control over beloved. Though we are asking for and relying on humanity’s co-creative participation in this process. We thank you.

Hidden Agenda – Real Conspiracies that Affect Our Lives Today

COVID19 – The same deep state strategy used during the Great Depression of 1933, in order to push ahead one step further towards the – ONE WORLD ORDER agenda.

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Enjoy the show, and enjoy this RED pill ……

And for those still thinking that the flu and covid are just a natural and recurring aspect of life, consider this. Thank you Orv for this TRUTH jewel !!!