It’s done. Deep State collapses. The Best is coming NOW! Is FRIDAY 5th the BIG DAY?

Full Credit to WE THE PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, [03.02.21 22:17] [Forwarded from Michael Dunn]

The official announcement of martial law and a legitimate military government, in effect since 12:00 AM on January 20, 2021, was made on Friday, January 29 at 6:00 PM EST (11:00 PM GMT).

The official announcement of Biden’s arrest along with 355 congressmen and 109 senators (464 elected) on January 24 and 25 was made on Sunday, January 31 at 4:35 PM EST (10:35 PM GMT – 11:35 PM Amsterdam / Brussels / Paris).

These announcements were made on the dates and hours above to all American media (televisions, radios and national newspapers) and to all world news outlets. As expected by the legitimate military government that runs America, as well as Trump and Qforce, this official information was 100% censored by all official world media. The US military government knew this and wanted it that way.

As with Biden and his party’s coup d’état, the legitimate US government is allowing the US media to commit widespread treason by having them censor the legitimate government’s official statements about measures of national security and immediate danger to the American nation.

The Illuminati media of the 4th Reich have all fallen into a trap. Now the legitimate military government can take over (provisional) control of all such terrorist media whenever it wants, as dictated by law and the US Constitution.

The US military government will take control (by force) of all official media (radios, televisions, newspapers) across the United States this Friday, February 5 at 6:00 pm EST (11:00 pm GMT or midnight in Amsterdam / Brussels / Paris).

This includes the acquisition of all US channels on the broadcast satellites that broadcast live in Europe. This also means that all Europeans with a satellite reception antenna who receive US channels can no longer be censored and will therefore find out the truth from Friday evening February 5, 2021.

Among other things, the US military will be obliged to broadcast on all these American mass media the revelations about Biden’s coup d’état, his arrest with elected officials on Sunday, January 24 and Monday, January 25.

Finally, on February 12, the US military government will officially (evidence submitted to all world governments and to the press internationally) publish all evidence of the conspiracy committed by the French, Chinese and other governments to create a false global epidemic, to overthrow the US government. This by ruining its economy and by destroying the entire world economy.

It is an act of war that gives, among other things, the legitimate right of the US government to overthrow the Macron government and any other terrorist government.


Video | MyPillow® Mike Lindell claims he will expose the massive voter fraud that stole the election from Trump on Friday 5th: “It’ll be the most important documentary you ever watch in history.” Watch Mike talk about it here.

[Update] Friday 5th | Here it is! Mike Lindell’s Documentary ‘Absolute Proof’

The US Election Fraud Scandal Exposé detailing the foreign and domestic interference – this should make every citizen question their own country’s electoral integrity.

Warning!! This Is Urgent!! You & Your Families Life Depends On Seeing This! – Must Video


The number of Y-E-A-R-L-Y deaths are pretty much the SAME for the past 4 years running. There was N-O spike in total deaths in 2020.Meanwhile the flu has fallen off the face of the earth. People ONLY have C-O-V-I-D.ARE THEY JUST M-A-N-I-P-U-L-A-T-I-N-G THE NUMBERS??Watch video”SLINGS & ARROWS, YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ABANDONED, THINK SHADOW, PAIN – EP. 2392″X22REPORT(dot)com

Trump – Our Now-Days George Washington

We stand behind our leader and behind “We The People”, not “We The Sheeple”. We don’t need no mask, and we “Just Say No” to the vaccination program, in order to implant us with nano-technology in order to track us like a herd.

Our prayers are with you, with your family, and with your loyal ones Mr. President. Where we go one, we go all. We honor our brave brothers and sisters who showed-up to Washington, specially our beloved sister Lorelei. God’s speed and God Bless America!

“America has a new George Washington, and his name is President Trump”

Lord Ashtar and Prime Creator Message via Sharon Stewart

Channeled by Sharon Stewart

Image may contain: 1 person

I am Ashtar Sheran, here to help calm the frazzled nerves of the Light community across planet earth.

Yesterday’s events were not the events that many of you expected. To hear today what appears to be a message of concession from Donald Trump is also another shock. So many of you expected that he would lead your world into a new era of freedom for humanity.

But as Sharon has pointed out on so many occasions, what do you define as freedom? Is freedom still going to work? Is freedom having to earn a pay check to feed yourself? Or is there a broader definition still?

Sharon has also asked if Trump is to free the world, then why are lightworkers here? Why are they to gain access to unlimited funds in order to create communities for the more enlightened of you?

Mr. Trump’s task is only to expose the deep state. And he has done that. He will, again, take the helm in a new administration, in some form, perhaps not as president. He may, in fact, decide to step away from the lead position and appoint a new candidate in his stead. This is as yet undecided. Your next administration may look very different from that which you have become accustomed to now, simply because of the fact that so many of Mr. Trump’s current associates are criminals, to be taken away and locked up.

Trials will begin. The QFS funding will be released to more candidates who qualify for these humanitarian funds. Extraterrestrial visitations will become more frequent, as Sharon noted, our ships are hovering just above your planet under the cloud deck now. We are so close and it is because you have called us here.

Expect surprises within the next two weeks. But understand that new people will be taking responsibility upon your planet and the personal responsibility of each person will grow, considerably. It is time you all take part in your future.

The governments will still exist, however, they will be cleaned out of criminals and dark beings. You can have my assurance on that. Their existence on planet earth is as much a galactic issue as it is an exopolitical issue for earth.

Change is the new buzzword for earth. The Alliance will step forward and yet more of these kind souls will become known to you.

Breathe deeply and be comforted. All is not lost. All is in flux.



( now Lord Ashtar steps aside and Prime Creator beings to speak )

Okay… I like surprises and I love Ashtar’s messages via Sharon and have found them to have great helpful rapport. Some MAJOR thoughts to consider:

1.  Humanity has been given major hints that Divine World Government is set to kick off on earth in 2021, this will be with the assistance of the galactics.  They have hinted over the years that eventually there would be a time where earth would have to be governed by galactics, because we lack the knowledge and love, to heal this planet… if we our planet continues in the fashion by which we behave… it’s a path to extinction.

2. Because our selfish behaviour as a species didn’t change that much, or even care that much about the planet… it ensures that the galactics do step in as mentors.

3.  Our galactic family will help humanity train ourselves to become responsible stewarts of this planet. 

4.  Humanity has just been given an upgrade to Star Nation status, which puts right in with our galactic governments!

5.  Humanity is relearning what freedom actually is… it really has little do with one vote in a fake election… it has little to do with wearing masks in fake virus events… it has little to do with criminal leadership.

6. Many channeled messages spoke of a time where dark energies and people NOT ascending in THIS lifetime, are being removed from THIS planet.  They spoke of a hologram reality they would be moved to…. where they can continue to play their dark games upon each other. 

7. The QFS is Quantum Financial System is a new financial system based on unhackable technology… the St. Germain funds, which is related to NESARA, but not exactly the same thing, however, the SGFs may kick off the new system, which I hear it’s slowly rolling out now. The St. Germain funds will go to select people who are trained and pre-qualified, as candidates that can spend that money for the most benefit for humanity… perhaps driving forth a new era in technological advancements.

Med beds perhaps, just one advancement?

“We are also expecting that the Alliance is going to announce The New Republic called Nesara and a new financial system will be ready to launch, which we call Quantum Financial System and the currency is going to be backed up by gold. You have heard about all of this for a long time now in many different sources. Now, it’s time to carry out all of these tasks and proceed to The Final Phase of our Project Planet Earth called Ascension.”

8.  There are delays…

“Yes, I would like for humanity to be prosperous, and money is going to come from different sources. We are just waiting when the wealth is going to be redistributed by the Alliance on planet Earth. They are the ones, who keep postponing the delivery of wealth to the people. We gave the green light a long time ago to give the prosperity away and to stop the suffering of humankind, but the Alliance always gives excuses, on why the wealth is not given to the people.”

9.  More insights from Prime Creator from above link:

“The Galactics, Me, Prime Creator are diligently doing our part and we are expecting the same in return. My requests are never questioned by my crew, The Galactic Federation of Light or by the Councils. Everyone is doing their part, because all of them know how important it is to bring this planet and humanity to Ascension of 5D, so they can finally become Galactic Humans and leave behind this 3D duality, where nobody has any rights, they are constantly being forced to follow rules and they are always being controlled or told what to do and how to live their lives.

Please, look right now at humans who are walking around with masks. They can’t even breathe through these masks, but this is the order, you must wear the mask, because it’s supposed to keep you safe from the virus. I am sorry to break the news to you, but this mask will not save you from any virus, it’s the opposite, it’s going to create more issues for you in the near future, especially with your lungs.

I have been around for a very long time, I have experienced and seen so many different events around so many places in the Universe. I created many different Planets, Galaxies and Universes, so I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, that we are doing our absolute best to make sure that Ascension is going to happen. Sometimes, you may have doubts about our existence, because you are not seeing us in a physical form. If you connect to your soul or your heart, you are going to be able to see us and sense us, as we are all connected spiritual beings.

This 3D life here, it’s meaningless compared to who you really are, you are multi-dimensional beings with a lot of power, and you don’t even remember, because they erased from your memory, your DNA was also alternated many times. Your bodies became weak, they age and deteriorate since the day you are born that is not a natural process. You were created as an immortal being who can live for millions of years and not just 60, 70 or maybe 80 years, and leave the physical body behind. Then you are forced to be reincarnated again, come back to life with no memories or recollection of the past life and continue again this Matrix with all of its miseries, obstacles, hardships and diseases, this cycle never ends.

Long time ago, civilizations like Lemuria, Atlantis and a few other ones became very high dimensional societies and then they self-destructed because they let their ego take over them. We don’t want this to happen on Earth, because the Dark Ones have been controlling this planet for a long time. They are constantly manipulating everything here: weather, food, you name it, medicine and etc. The medicine here is more like poison, it doesn’t cure, it may be heals one part of your body and then it creates new problems in other parts of the body.

The Darkness has been controlling planet Gaia for a very long time and the Negative Ones have been breaking all of the rules of the Universe and getting away with it, because we set up ourselves the rules that don’t work anymore, and we are in the process of creating new rules that are going to make things easier for the next civilization to ascend. They won’t need to go through the same hardships, experiences and obstacles like on Earth.

We are not allowed to do certain things here, like to extract anyone from this world and take them back to their home or interfere in this 3D reality. Unfortunately, these rules worked in the favor of the Dark Forces and not for the humanity, so we are in the process of changing them. We are even replacing the Councilors, who have been in favor of these old rules. The new Councilor who has been selected as The Grand Councilor is Queen An-Ra, and she is in the process of changing these outdated rules because we have billions of planets in galaxies and in universes, it will take some time to implement them and they are going to be enforced. Right now, the rules are not helping the human civilization at all, they just keep extending the suffering on Earth.

We are starting The Final Phase of Ascension, and we have some big things coming up that we need to take care of. We never disclose any dates or sensitive information as the Negative Forces would use it for their advantage. I am just reminding the Ground Crew here: Alliance, light warriors, and light workers, please, help us to bring this Earth to Ascension.

Daily meditations are very important and essential in the Ascension Process. I am aware that every Ascended Master in every message has mentioned to you already about it. Please, do daily three to four times a day or even more your meditation. Any second you have free, instead of spending time on something that doesn’t have a deep meaning, please meditate. Your meditations will help everyone on Mother Terra Christa to bring the whole planet to the light, like how it’s supposed to be. 
We are expecting for a new financial system to be launched, redistribution of the wealth for humanity, announcement of Nesara Gesara Republic, massive arrests and removal of everyone who is not working for the good of humanity. I am very busy overlooking this process, I understand how important it is, so any chance I have, I share in a message with all of you and I am also here in person working with the group. I find the time to help anyone who asks for help because it’s very important for me and the rest of us to finish this 5D Process of Ascension.

We want to see everyone in 5D, please do your part. You all know and understand that your participation is very crucial in this process. I am happy that we are starting The Final Phase, and I am pleased to be here today to let you know, where we are right now. I am grateful for each of you, who are doing their best trying to help humanity to be in a higher dimension. I am sending all my love to all of you.

Thank you, I am Prime Creator.

Prime Creator via Erena Velazquez | November 11, 2020

November 11, 2020

Greetings My Dear Ones,

I am Prime Creator, you know me by different names like God, Father and etc. Very interesting and unique times are coming to Earth in the near future even if things at the moment don’t look very promising.

A lot of you are very upset or irritated now by the outcome of Presidential Elections. Many of you feel cheated by the Dark Side who used corruption and fraudulent voting to push their candidate into The White House. Please, understand between now and January until the Inauguration Day many surprising and unexpected things and events can happen.

A victory by one of the candidates, it doesn’t mean that the Light has lost the battle against the Darkness. In the end the Light always wins. This is a new begging point in the history of humanity, even if it feels right now like a defeat, but it’s not. Remember, everything is orchestrated by the Divine Love. I am the Mastermind behind the scenes, and I am also the Divine Force of Light, the one who created many worlds and many beings. I can assure you that the balance in the Universes and Galaxies always gets restored and lives get preserved. I am Prime Creator and I make sure that the Divine Laws of the Universe are always in place.

I am not surprised by the results of election. The people on Earth are not ready yet to accept the real truth: on what’s really going on around them and they don’t want to see how deeply the leadership around the globe is corrupted and rotten to the bottom of the roots. This election process showed where the humankind stands at this moment, it shows that a lot are still asleep and many others are thinking that they are ready to Ascend.

No, my dear ones, you are not ready at all, it requires a lot of spiritual work to do on yourselves before you can ascend, I mentioned in my previous messages, please do daily meditation 3-4 times a day. It’s very important that you do your work, you need to make meditation in your lives as natural part of your day as breathing. This event of Presidential Election is a perfect example that the old system of 3D is still in place and that nothing much has changed in the world.

Now, it’s the time to start doing serious work, if humanity really wants to move to the new reality of 5D. It’s your responsibility to embrace your purpose and fulfill it here, as all of you took an oath before coming to Mother Earth. I know some of you still don’t know what is your mission here, please don’t worry, in the future all of you are going to receive guidance from your mentors on what you are suppose to do here. No one is exempt from their responsibilities or duties, the ones who are going to refuse to carry out their missions they are going to be left behind and continue their 3D life until they evolve, and that can take a long time.

You have a free will to choose to stay here in 3D or complete your tasks and move into a higher dimension of 5D. Everything what happened during your elections, it was not a surprise for me at all, the human civilization as a whole was not ready yet to fully embrace and welcome fairness, liberty and freedom into their lives and dump the old corrupted system during this Presidential Elections.

All of you are still in an infancy stage, so you are still learning about yourselves, on who you really are and why you are here, as all of your memories from your Earth and Galactic lives were erased by the Negative Ones during your many reincarnations on Gaia. The time is coming when all of your memory is going to comeback and flow to you like a river into the ocean, until you become the whole ocean.

So many events will be upcoming in the weeks and months ahead, everyone on this planet is going to be very busy observing all of them. My recommendation for all of you is to stay away from the Fake news and also the less TV you watch the better it will be for you, as all of the television programs are full of subliminal messages and are polluted with technologies that can effect and control your mind.

I want to share with you about a huge victory The Galactic Federation of Light with Ashtar in Command recently had against the Dark Ones. The operation is called Red October, that name was chosen for a reason and it was a complete success. The Negative Groups with the code names Red Wolf, Black Wolf, Blue Wolf and etc., who followed and worshiped The Old Nazi Regime, you call them here fanatics, they were working directly with Archons, Reptilians and with others. These groups were running an extremely large operation that was targeting The Light Community by trying to eliminate and destroy them.

They were using a highly advanced and unknown technology on Earth that implanted special AI implants deeply into the human brains that was almost impossible to detect, so by just watching a specific show or a movie which was running this dark program, the AI the size of dust would enter your body through your eyes from any device screen or television you were using to watch a show or a movie. Over time it would grow in size and multiple itself inside your body. Then it would take control over you and try to destroy you by attacking all of your weaknesses in the mind and body.

These implants were slowly destroying the human brain and creating various pains in the body. Ashtar Team working with Commander Talhari from Queen An-Ra Light Forces were able to dismantle this whole operation. The bases were placed underground around the world in Europe, Russia, South America, Middle East and etc.

The control centers were placed on distant planets which are mostly known in the Galaxy and named after for their colors like Pink Planet, Green Planet and etc., it also included bases on the Moon, Mars, Pluto and etc. All of the parties involved were captured on Earth and outside in space. In addition, The Galactics recovered a lot of Gold that was stolen from many countries during World War II from The Old Nazi Reich, which is going to be redistributed to the people in the appropriate time. This Red October Operation helped to eliminate and reduce significantly the Dark Forces numbers. It was a crushing defeat for the Negative Side and it was a Victorious Day for The Galactics and Humanity.

We are still working on the Key Twin Flame, to bring my son back to his Twin Flame. This 3D reality entrenches deep inside the person which makes the process of bringing them back to their true self here very slow in this 3D Matrix, when in our reality everything is already is finished. Please, stay in high energies, it’s very critical for everyone during this Ascension Process. I am looking forward to the unforeseen events that are coming to Mother Gaia.

I am Prime Creator and it was a pleasure for me to be here today with all of you. Please, always stay in the now. I am sending my love and blessings to all of you. Thank you

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

John F. Kennedy via Erena Velazquez | October 31, 2020

October 31, 2020

Good Morning Fellow Americans and the World,

I am John F. Kennedy the President of the United States and I am very happy to be able to speak to all of you today. I am the 35th President, who was assassinated by multiple shooters, before I was able to disclose the truth to the world about the wars and other negative things that were happening in America and around the world at that time. More than a handful of snipers were firing at me, they were all well positioned and covered every angle. The Dark Side made sure that I was not going to make it to the end of that day.

My country was getting destroyed by the money hungry and corrupted elite. My strong desire to reveal the hidden dark truth became inconvenient for those negative souls, who were spoiled and rotten individuals from head to toe. They were killing innocent people and creating wars just to benefit and profit from others misery and pain.

As the President, I knew exactly what was going on, and I wanted to tell the truth to my fellow Americans and the World. I believe that the truth should always be spoken regardless of who is involved, and these corrupted souls deserve to be punished, be held responsible and answer for their crimes against humanity. They made sure that I would stay silent and orchestrated a very detailed operation to eliminate me, it even included some people who I trusted, they betrayed me and helped to create a plot to kill me.

This soulless group of individuals didn’t expect that the truth is going to see the light no matter how hard they tried to keep it hidden. The people involved in my death were very powerful and well known individuals, who cared only about control and making more and more money. As the President, I was looking to disclose all of the secrets and corruption to the world. I also wanted to make changes in the system to create a better life for everyone in my beloved country America and in the World. I didn’t even have a chance to be a full term President, my life was stolen from me by the rich criminals, who didn’t want to lose their power.

Today, look at the world you are living in, it didn’t change much, since my unexpected death, it only got more worse. The rich people are still getting more richer and the poor ones are still getting more poor with each day. All of your freedoms have been taken away from you, that makes me very sad to see. You need to speak up and stand up for yourselves and your rights. The ones on the top keep manipulating and brainwashing you daily with their lies.

They don’t want to know the truth about the Secret Space Program, which has been running now for a long time, the availability of very advanced technologies, the existence of other civilizations and etc. As the President of United States of America, I was briefed on all of these things for security reasons and I witnessed them in person.

These negative souls were replaced by new ones and they continue to push the same Dark Agenda of trying to control everyone and make them suffer. The only thing that matters to them is their power to have total control over the people on this planet, by telling you what to do and how to live your lives. I am aware of the fact that humanity is on their way to Ascension, until that happens you need to start to take care of yourselves by not listening to all of the nonsense that is coming from your Media, which is completely corrupted, controlled and it lies daily to you about everything.

This is the time for all of you to open your eyes and see for yourselves what is the real truth and what is not. As the President, I believe that the truth is always going to win against the darkness. I was alone at that time against them in my fight and I was still not afraid to expose their crimes committed against my people, and the only way they could keep me silent, is by forcing me out from my physical body.

Now, I came in a different form through this channel, I am so happy that I get another chance to talk to all of you with my sincerity about what is going on around you and on Earth. All of you carry inside of you tremendous power of unity, please stay together and unite as one, and you are going to become unstoppable Force of Light and win this battle against the Dark Ones. You will have a brighter future again and everything will change for the better in your world.

Everything is coming together in a timely manner under a divine orchestration of Prime Creator/God, nothing is coincidental in this world. I, JFK learned this by crossing the veil to the other side. My heart and soul goes out to my fellow Americans and everyone in this World. Thank you for taking the time from your day to listen to my message. JFK

Channeled by Erena Velazquez