. Military Tribunal Convicts Paul Pelosi

By Michael Baxter -September 8,


True to its word, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and the Office of Military Commissions resumed military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay following the Labor Day weekend. White Hats, however, seem to have shuffled manpower, for the officer presiding over Paul Pelosi’s tribunal on Tuesday was not Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall; rather, it was Major General Joseph B. Berger (no relation to Marine Corps General David H. Berger) the deputy judge advocate general of the U.S. Army. His presence at GITMO on Tuesday clearly illustrates forces beyond Navy JAG, the U.S.M.C, and the Special Operations community are working toward eradicating the Deep State. It is, perhaps, a new era of cooperation.

Regardless, Gen. Berger had harsh words for Paul Pelosi, who appeared without legal representation.

“Mr. Pelosi, it would appear you are a prodigious child molester,” Gen. Berger said. “I must admit I’m in a unique situation here, as it’s been my understanding the defendants brought before this tribunal usually stand accused of treason, with other crimes secondary. But you, Mr. Pelosi, are here because state courts refused to prosecute you, even when shown concrete proof of your crimes.”

Disheveled and discombobulated, Pelosi told the tribunal he had never had sex with minors.

“That’s only because you’re 82 years old and can’t, isn’t it? That didn’t’ stop you from offering drugs and cash to touch them and make them touch themselves, did it?” Gen. Berger asked.

He showed the three officers tasked with weighing JAG’s case against Pelosi images JAG investigators had obtained of a naked Pelosi lying beside a nude 14-year-old girl in a San Francisco hotel room. The photos showed Pelosi’s wrinkled hands molesting her body.

“Look, Paul…Do you mind if I call you Paul? That girl in the picture, and she is just girl, and three other girls are standing by right now, to testify remotely, as is the individual who arranged your meetings with them. This is sickening to me. If you come clean, admit your guilt, this panel of officers may show you some mercy, not that you deserve it. I don’t want to be here, in your sight, and I’m guessing you want this over too,” Gen. Berger said.

Pelosi, who had until that moment remained silent, blurted, “I’m a broken 82-year-old man. What can you do to me? Kill me? I’m dead already. Dead inside. You want to know if I touched kids. Yeah, I touched them. What the fuck would you do if you were married to a fucking witch for 60 years? I touched them, a lot of them, but there was never sex.”

“Is that how you rationalize it? How you justify it? We do appreciate your candor.”

Owing to Pelosi’s admission of guilt, Gen. Berger asked the panel to deliver a verdict without having introduced even a single witness. The panel rejected the death penalty, but decreed that Pelosi spend his remaining years as a permanent houseguest at Guantanamo Bay’s Camp Delta detention block.

. Sananda: Only Love Prevails

August 24, 2022 by Steve Beckow

In researching who lightworkers are and what we’re tasked with, I came across a very inspiring talk by Sananda through James McConnell from 2012.

It so speaks to today that I wanted to repost it.

“Sananda: Only Love Prevails,” channeled through James McConnell, Feb. 28, 2012, at http://www.meetup.com/Ancient-Awakenings/messages/31453472/.


The changes you wish to see in your world will come as a thief in the night. One moment your world will carry on with the hustling and bustling of the old paradigm; then suddenly, nothing that you have come to know as your reality will ever be the same.

This is the kind of change we are talking about, and this is the kind of change you will experience. This is why your task to prepare yourselves and as many other souls as is possible is so important to the smooth functioning of this operation. Please continue to spread the news of what is about to transpire. We greatly appreciate your efforts and assure you that it will be soon that this phase of your mission will be completed and all that has been discussed will be yours. …

Give us, as well as our Earth allies, the opportunity to make this goal a reality by continuing your hard work spreading awareness of these arrests and the following proceedings and what significance they hold for the people of your world. …

It is a very interesting sight to behold, these three large groups; the Galactic Federation of Light, the Ashtar Command, and our Earth allies, working together on this immense project. You, our faithful Lightworkers, are also a vital part to our overall mission, and we consider you part of our teams of the Galactic Commands, and as we have said, many of you are already members of either one of our space-oriented organizations. …

These proceedings are being carried out in order to help facilitate a smooth transition leading to your ascension, as it was decided these dark ones and their alliances would be too disruptive a force and needed to be removed from your societies. Upon removal of these dark ones, we see an upsurge in your collective vibration, and we would like to see the greatest possible boost from this event.

This is where you come in, our Lightworkers, as it is your job to set up the dominoes for this event to trigger. Continue to line them up as they will soon go down.

You have all done a remarkable job leading up to this point, and we wish to thank you for your efforts and once again assure you that all that has been discussed can and will be yours. Do not allow yourselves at this late stage to now begin to fall for the lies and propaganda of our opposite numbers.

Most of you have managed up to now to ignore and ward off these attempts by the dark to distract you and lead you from your path and your assignments. This is all they could do as you are under our protection, but we must allow you your free will choice. The dark understands this, and this is the reason for all their attempts at distraction through their writings and video presentations that propagate their lies.

You have experienced a few losses within your ranks as some of your brothers and sisters have fallen for these ploys and they have turned their backs on us and on their assignments. These are relatively rare cases and will not affect our mission. Continue on with your assignments remaining steadfast to your convictions, and do not allow yourselves to be lured by the sirens of deception. …

There are many surprises in store for you, as can be expected once released from your current amnesiac states and the veil of forgetfulness is lifted for you. Many of you have had long careers with us, and you of course, will be welcomed back warmly when your mission here is completed.

As we have said, many of you will also begin working with us, and some of you will go on to begin your new careers as full members of the Galactic Federation of Light. We look forward to the day when our recruiters can speak personally with you, when all the details of this opportunity will be fully discussed with you.

You will have time to think over your new career choices, and you will also possess the opportunity to return home, wherever that home may be, if you decide you no longer wish to remain with our organization. You can always be considered again for recruitment in the future, as we are always growing as an organization and committed individuals are always a welcomed addition to our team. …

As you sit idly by going to and fro in your daily activities, many changes are occurring at many levels throughout the planet. We are entering a time of cleansing unlike anything that has ever happened here.

Powers that be are being quietly replaced or set for reassignment. In so doing, your world is preparing for sweeping changes that are only moments away. You, each one, have it within your power to be a part of those changes or watch them sail by with nary an inclination to participate. However, you are the light workers and came here to fulfill a mission that is fast moving toward completion.  It is your choice to watch or become all you came here to be. …

But you need to act and act swiftly as times are indeed growing short. It is truly time now to believe in yourselves and know that you are acting under the highest authority there is, that of Prime Creator. A decree has gone out across the universe for all to come to the aid of their fellow brothers and sisters.

So, my dear ones, you are certainly not alone in your struggles to bring this Earth back to its long ago prominence. You have all of Heaven at your disposal and the assistance of light workers everywhere. So why then would you hesitate to act with the courage now that is needed when you are indeed nearing the finish line?

Why would you hesitate after lifetime after lifetime of stress and strain, to see a better earth now when you are so close. Is it too much to ask for just a little more effort to end the bonds of tyranny for ever on this  planet or would you continue to sit idly by and wait for someone else to do it? What can I do you might ask? And that dear ones is the beginning of courage needed to finish the last mile.

As you have been told many times and though many sources, you are the Ones. We can not do it without your help nor would we want to, as this is your world and what happens here is a product of your collective unconscious. We can only guide and nudge you along but you are the ones who need to “take the bull by the horns” and continue to propagate the species through your light and undying devotion. Again what can you do? Prepare your selves my beloved for the times that are fast approaching that will literally shake all out of their doldrums and awaken them to realities they thought only existed in fairy tales and fantasy or science fiction.

Prepare by first becoming informed of the many atrocities that have been committed in the name of God or for misuse of power. This is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg as so much will be revealed to you shortly. Many when they hear of these atrocities and ponder if they could be true, will reach out to those who may know. That dear ones will be where you come in, to assist those who are asking. As always, it is “ask and you shall receive”. So as they ask, you will be there to assist in their awakening and to extinguish all the flames of mistrust that arise and to quench their thirst for truth. Literally, “the truth shall set you all free”. It is the truth that will pave the way for a new earth and a new heaven upon the earth for only in truth are a people actually free. …

Many are feeling the urgency of these messages and knowing that something big is about to happen. Do you feel it within your selves? An inner knowing that all is about to come cascading down to be replaced by a new society that is formed for the betterment of all, not just a so called privileged few.

You are being called upon now to wake up out of your long slumber and step once more onto the battlefield, not of war but of light and peace, not of mistrust but of truth, not of hate but of love. The plan for the earth is being reestablished once again for all to know their greatness and their inalienable right to freedom that is established in an environment of truth and real justice. Be ready, dear ones, to answer the call when it is sounded for the final trumpet is soon to blow and with it will be the end of all that was dark upon this earth to be replaced only by the light. Light has indeed descended on earth and love and light and power are restoring the plan on earth.

It is time now for you to respond to the call to do everything you can to spread the word of light and love to all you can, so  that no one will be wanting again. You have the power dear ones to take back what has rightfully been yours, to nourish the earth and all those who reside on and within.

Find it within yourselves to reach out one more time to lighten the loads of others as they strive to understand and grasp the full meaning of freedom that has eluded most for so long.

Once this has reached its conclusion and all are fully on their way toward their own ascension, then dear ones, you can relax and consider  this a job well done and a knowing that you were a participant in the greatest undertaking this universe has ever seen.

You will have earned the gratitude of many, but most of all you will know that you did your best and accomplished what many believed could not be done in such a short period of time. Until then, please keep your game face on and remain in the battle to keep the light shining brightly to all those who are ready to receive it, and to  others, keep them in your prayers so that they will open up to the light when they are ready.

Lightworkers are coming into their own now because they will soon be needed, to help pass the word around as to what is happening and why. …

All my love and peace for the coming times. I am Sananda.

. Anuncio Especial del Comando Ashtar

20 de agosto de 2022

Querida Familia Humana, este es un mensaje de las Naciones Estelares, del Comando Ashtar, les decimos: Prepárense para el próximo gran encuentro entre ustedes, amada humanidad, y todos nosotros, su gran familia galáctica, que los hemos estado observando de los cielos por mucho tiempo.

Confíen en sí mismos, es el tiempo para comenzar a ver nuestras naves y grandes aeronaves en sus cielos. No teman, no estamos aquí para lastimarles, nuestro papel aquí es puramente divino, y solo deseamos ayudarles a dar el gran salto evolutivo que está por suceder en su mundo, planeta Tierra, o como muchos de nosotros lo llamamos a menudo, su amada madre Gaia, de todos los terrícolas.

Deben confiar en nosotros y perder el miedo, porque el contacto con sus gobiernos no ha resultado, en sus esfuerzos por mantener el control y el poder de la gente, es decir, de todos ustedes. Como es este querido canal, tenemos muchos vocalistas que podrán representarnos ante el gran contacto, podéis confiar en ellos porque sus corazones e intenciones son puros y limpios de cualquier beneficio personal más que el de contribución consciente especialmente en la ascensión del planeta y su humanidad en beneficio de todos los seres.

Te las repetimos, no tengan miedo y prepárense.

Tienen todo el apoyo y amor incondicional. Los actos siniestros terminarán en esta Tierra, ya hemos dado el ultimátum a los gobiernos. Más han optado por ignorar todas las advertencias.

El Planeta debe ser liberado, el tiempo se acaba. Los amamos profundamente. Bendiciones.

En poco tiempo sucederá el evento más esperado. No esperen, prepárense.

Con amor,

Comandante Ashtar.

Canalizado y transmitido a través de mi Ser Superior.

Con cariño, Abel.20.08.2022.

. JAG Creates Child Sex Crimes Division

By Michael Baxter -August 24, 20224743083

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps has devoted part of its resources toward the creation of a dedicated child sex crimes division whose task it will be to hunt down the child traffickers and pedophiles that have exploited positions of power to prey on society’s most vulnerable demographic, JAG sources told Real Raw News.

Although JAG has in the past convicted Deep Staters of such crimes, those charges had, with few exceptions, been ancillary to allegations of treason; in other words, it was never JAG’s intent to summarily pursue pedophiles who had not violated an oath of office or committed blatant treason in contravention of the U.S. Constitution. “Our job was to catch traitors. Child sex crimes, while absolutely horrible, were the responsibility of the feds and local and state law enforcement,” a JAG source said.

JAG and its White Hat allies, however, had made exceptions in cases where the department of justice refused to prosecute murderous pedophiles even when given incontrovertible evidence. The case of Tom Hanks and his Bosom Buddy Peter Scolari is one example.

“In certain situations JAG used intermediaries to get proof to Justice, indisputable proof, to see if they’d act on it. Bottom line is if you’re politically linked or an affluent celebrity, well, money speaks, and Justice looks the other way. They’ve been handing out get out of jail free cards to pedophiles for decades,” our source said.

A JAG audit, he added, shows that crimes against children have increased exponentially under the criminal Biden regime, fueling suspicion that Biden’s department of justice is protecting pedophiles within its ranks. JAG, he said, has lately heard more backchater intel on alleged child molestation and abduction cases than it had in the last three decades.

The Judge Advocate General’s Corps, our source said, has in the last few months convened several meetings at which the topic of conversation centered on whether it possesses not only the authority but also the manpower and resources to combat the pedophile epidemic. After much debate, it concluded that not pursuing all politicians and media personalities suspected of pedophilia would damage JAG’s reputation and, therefore, make it as guilty as the pedophiles and their bellicose malefactors.

“There is an ongoing insurrection against the children of the United States, and it must be stopped,” our source said.

To carry out this goal Navy JAG has recruited powerful allies. Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall has for the first time asked for support from his army counterpart, Lieutenant General Stuart Risch, Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army. Gen. Risch, our source said, has vowed to fight pedophilia wherever it festers.

“We now have a sizable force to bring to justice those who have escaped justice,” our source said.

In closing, he said the joint task force had just enacted “a serious arrest” and that he’d provide details ASAP.

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. Anuncio Especial del Comando Ashtar

20 de agosto de 2022

Querida Familia Humana, este es un mensaje de las Naciones Estelares, del Comando Ashtar, les decimos: Prepárense para el próximo gran encuentro entre ustedes, amada humanidad, y todos nosotros, su gran familia galáctica, que los hemos estado observando de los cielos por mucho tiempo.

Confíen en sí mismos, es el tiempo para comenzar a ver nuestras naves y grandes aeronaves en sus cielos. No teman, no estamos aquí para lastimarles, nuestro papel aquí es puramente divino, y solo deseamos ayudarles a dar el gran salto evolutivo que está por suceder en su mundo, planeta Tierra, o como muchos de nosotros lo llamamos a menudo, su amada madre Gaia, de todos los terrícolas.

Deben confiar en nosotros y perder el miedo, porque el contacto con sus gobiernos no ha resultado, en sus esfuerzos por mantener el control y el poder de la gente, es decir, de todos ustedes. Como es este querido canal, tenemos muchos vocalistas que podrán representarnos ante el gran contacto, podéis confiar en ellos porque sus corazones e intenciones son puros y limpios de cualquier beneficio personal más que el de contribución consciente especialmente en la ascensión del planeta y su humanidad en beneficio de todos los seres.

Te las repetimos, no tengan miedo y prepárense.

Tienen todo el apoyo y amor incondicional. Los actos siniestros terminarán en esta Tierra, ya hemos dado el ultimátum a los gobiernos. Más han optado por ignorar todas las advertencias.

El Planeta debe ser liberado, el tiempo se acaba. Los amamos profundamente. Bendiciones.

En poco tiempo sucederá el evento más esperado. No esperen, prepárense.

Con amor,

Comandante Ashtar.

Canalizado y transmitido a través de mi Ser Superior.

Con cariño, Abel.20.08.2022.

. Lady Nada – Intense Wake-up Wave

My brothers, my sisters, there’s a solar light tube that’s about to hit the Earth. It comes directly from the Sun of Alcione and it will flood this planet with an intensity of light never before seen in this quadrant of the universe.

This light will exponentially increase the energy of awakening. It is this energy, that we have been waiting for a long time, that will allow the mass awakening.

My dear ones, be prepared to help your brothers and sisters in this great time, where the forces of light will be made visible to all humanity.

There will be billions of beings waking up from the deep slumber of the immersion of incarnation and this will be wonderful, but it will also require a lot of balance on the part of you, light workers, who are already awake and prepared for this moment.

It’s been years of preparation and we’re sure they’re more than ready to assume their spiritual leadership role in this new phase of the Ascension journey.

Dear brothers, this tube of purple light comes to transmute energies that are being released by you and that will significantly impact everyone, male and female, without distinction, on the Planet.

It’s an event of monumental proportions and will push everyone to make the final decision: accept the light or declare definitively connected to the third dimension. There will be no one else on the fence and that will be clear to everyone.

This volume of violet energy will trigger an intense wave of spiritual awakening, bringing out the best and the worst in your society.

There will be no more mistakes, you will recognize by your attitudes and speeches who will embrace awakening and who will decide to remain submerged in the energies of physical density and polarized of three-dimensionality.

Listen, dear ones, with care and unconditional love to all who come in your way.

Help those who will come seeking help and answers.

As for others, listen with gratitude and compassion to their bitter grievances and displeases, but under no circumstances enter into arguments or conflicts.

Accept the free will of every being. Offer your friendly shoulder to everyone and simply walk away from any conflict.

Remember that you are the anchors of awakening and your siblings hope to find in you the balance and peace that the Ascension energy offers.

There are countless ways this awakening will present itself.

All that matters is that people are guided to follow the path of the heart.

Love should flow naturally from your lips and gestures, as you too will be touched by the intensity of the energy.

Let’s remember all the steps and initiations you’ve already taken to be ready for this moment. Therefore, be tolerant and patient with your brothers, who will be confused and thirsty for information and care.

You, my brothers and sisters, will have the opportunity to exercise your mastery. This will be the time to put into action everything learned during the years of interiorization in pursuit of self-mastery.

We, the Ascended Masters, will be working with you, elbow to elbow, intimately connected with your higher selves, to give you the support you need at this great time.

My beloved, it is with immense joy that I bring you this news. We know many of you are looking forward to this moment, which will be a historic milestone. Everything will be split into before and after this collective awakening.

And do not forget: offer love, only love to all beings, even those who are physically distant, because their energetic reach will also increase in proportion to this new wave of light that will arrive on the planet.

Be at peace and celebrate with joy this great event that the Divine Hierarchy will provide for you.

With gratitude and love, I bid you farewell.

I am Master Nada and I offer you my peace.

Patricia Brunschnig.