New intel in the beginning AND at the end of this video. The next few weeks will get very tumultuous, but in the end it will be worth it. We are getting rid of the biggest corruption network ever in history. No easy feat. We are about to witness the final stage.

God bless America , and especially our troops.

. Mensaje de el Arcangel Miguel – Ascension

Amados Maestros, en primer lugar, permítannos tranquilizar sus mentes, el proceso de ascensión no es nuevo para ustedes, lo han logrado muchas veces antes. Todos ustedes son Maestros del orden más alto o no habrían sido elegidos como Semillas Estelares o Señaladores del Camino para este proceso evolutivo sin precedentes en la Tierra y la Humanidad que están experimentando actualmente.

Tienen credenciales de experto y han demostrado su Maestría co-creativa en multitud de ocasiones durante muchos Viajes Cósmicos, para cada nueva aventura en la conciencia física, se te dan nuevas reglas, nuevas misiones y una gran variedad de desafíos para superar. Deseamos que entiendan que aquellos de ustedes que están dando un paso adelante como Servidores del Mundo calificados tienen una vasta experiencia a lo largo de este universo y sus muchos subuniversos.

Desde el momento en que este universo comenzó a expandirse, se trasplantaron semillas estelares selectas de otras zonas y subuniversos para supervisar y ayudar en programas únicos diseñados específicamente para la humanidad y otras formas de vida, la misión divina principal de estos grupos especiales de semillas estelares es liderar el camino para aquellos que estén listos para evolucionar hacia el siguiente nivel de Conciencia expandida en un número infinito de ciclos para que se completen los programas divinos.

El proceso co-creativo es muy difícil en el plano físico de expresión y se necesita un gran coraje y sabiduría para aventurarse en lo desconocido y para que se coloque un velo sobre su memoria mientras rueda su experiencia terrenal dentro de un espectro más amplio de Luz y Sombra. Tus habilidades y tu verdadera identidad estaban ocultas dentro de tu corazón y mente sagrados, y a menudo no eran evidentes hasta más tarde en la vida, después de que comenzaste a despertar a los empujones de tu Ser Superior.

El proceso de ascensión para la Tierra y la Humanidad es único en muchos sentidos, en primer lugar, es un camino acelerado de Ascensión que nunca antes se había ofrecido, también para aquellos de ustedes que son los Mostradores del Camino para esta ronda de evolución. Su Contrato/Misión Terrenal contenía cristales semilla de memoria del despertar que serían desencadenados por un descontento Divino.

Estos cristales semilla de Luz Divina debían ser activados por su Ser Superior y descargados en su conciencia cuando fuera el momento de que comenzaran su viaje hacia el autodescubrimiento. Si mirar hacia atrás a lo largo de su vida, deberían poder reconocer los momentos en que su Ser Superior y sus guías angélicos los empujaron hacia una determinada dirección o crearon eventos/dispensaciones inesperadas para alentarlos y ayudarlos a obtener conocimiento y desarrollar habilidades especiales.

Amados, nunca han estado solos, su misión es demasiado importante como para dejarlos a su suerte, la gran estrategia para la Ascensión ha sido orquestada y supervisada desde el principio por nuestro Padre/Madre Dios, los Grandes Consejos Cósmicos de Luz y las legiones de los Ángeles que iluminan y dirigen el proceso de creación y expansión de nuestro subuniverso, muchos de ustedes han experimentado pruebas y desafíos extremos durante esta vida para prepararse para su última misión terrenal, sin embargo, acordaron enfrentar la medida completa de su lado de la sombra de una vez por todas con el fin de estar calificado para participar en esta Misión extremadamente difícil e importante.

La Ascensión de la Tierra y la raza humana junto con todas las facetas de nuestro subuniverso, sí, fueron programados en el nivel más profundo del alma para buscar la Ascensión y la Luz, sin embargo, ustedes, los Mostradores del Camino, que ahora están asumiendo el papel mundial. También se informó a los servidores que, aunque se esforzarían con todo su corazón por ascender a la Luz durante esta vida, deben aceptar permanecer en la Tierra en un vehículo físico tanto tiempo como sea necesario.

Para ayudar a anclar la Luz del Creador refinada, ¿no les hemos dicho una y otra vez que ustedes son los Centinelas, los Transductores y Transportadores de la Luz? Las partículas adamantinas de Luz son magnetizadas y dirigidas a aquellos cuya firma energética alma, están en sintonía con el nivel cuatridimensional superior y estas partículas de Luz Divina deben ser activadas por su energía amorosa incondicional compasiva.

El proceso de ascensión para la Tierra y la Humanidad no se puede realizar sin todos sus portadores de la Luz del Creador, los alentamos a que visiten con frecuencia y pasen tiempo en las diversas pirámides de Luz, de las que les hemos hablado a lo largo de los años y que también visiten la ciudad celestial de Luz. que ilumina sobre tu zona/país. En tu pirámide de trabajo puedes visualizar y crear cualquier cosa que tu corazón desee, que esté en armonía con tu modelo Divino y para el bien de todos.

Aquí también es donde puedes unirte a tu Ser Superior para obtener ayuda en la resolución de problemas en tu vida diaria para volver a la armonía. Le sugerimos encarecidamente que vaya a su pirámide personal de Luz antes de su hora de dormir u ocasionalmente a la ciudad de la Luz, donde recibirá asistencia para purificar, rejuvenecer y sanar su vehículo físico, antes de irse a dormir a través de su intención de entrar en una de los Ciudades de luz, cámaras aceleradoras de ascensión ubicadas dentro del nivel de entrada de la sexta dimensión.

Esta es la forma más beneficiosa de ayudar a equilibrar y armonizar su vehículo físico. Amados, los alentamos a buscar comprensión y a confiar que es nuestro mayor deseo asistirlos para establecer un ambiente de gran armonía, belleza y santidad en la tierra, justo donde ustedes viven, su misión es llevar la paz, la abundancia y la armonía del cielo a la tierra, creando así un entorno seguro y sagrado a su alrededor y luego compartiendo este maravilloso regalo con otros a través de su ejemplo y servicio.

Ustedes, la vanguardia, han pasado años domesticando su naturaleza emocional, adquiriendo conocimiento y sabiduría a través de su cuerpo mental y esforzándose por unificar y afinar su sistema de chacras principales para que su vehículo físico pueda integrar, absorber y transmitir las frecuencias enrarecidas de la Luz del Creador, ahora, es hora de enfocarse en su corazón y mente sagrados mientras se esfuerzan por armonizar los hemisferios derecho e izquierdo del cerebro y abrir su chacra coronario más completamente para que la columna de Luz que los conecta con su Divina Presencia YO SOY se vuelva tan blanca como la corona de vuestra cabeza como era en el principio.

Cada paso hacia adelante en el proceso de Ascensión implica buscar una relación consciente activa con la siguiente faceta avanzada de su Ser Superior. La ascensión es un proceso mediante el cual se mueven conscientemente hacia el campo de energía/vibración de su Ser Superior y luego avanzan hacia campos más enrarecidos de energía divina llamados dimensiones superiores. En un mensaje pasado reciente les dijimos que la energía electromagnética aún no se ha entendido completamente.

La humanidad es afectada por las fuerzas ardientes de la Creación de tres maneras; fuego por fricción (1) fuego del cuerpo (2) y fuego solar, fuego del alma (3) fuego electromagnético, fuego del espíritu, nos esforzaremos por darles una comprensión de cómo cada una de estas fuerzas ardientes de la creación afecta a la Humanidad. Fuego por fricción asterisco fuego del cuerpo mientras que en un cuerpo físico estás sujeto a la influencia de las poderosas fuerzas de la naturaleza. La acción contundente es necesaria para crear y manifestar objetos en una forma material.

Debes atraer el fuego del espíritu Divino y el poder de nuestro Padre Dios hacia tu recipiente físico para usar el fuego por fricción, sin embargo, la intención enfocada, la visión clara y la acción contundente son necesarias para vivir con éxito en el plano material/físico de existencia. Desarrollen fiebre o aumenten la temperatura corporal o fuego corporal para combatir gérmenes o virus invasivos de baja frecuencia.

Además, algunos de los síntomas de la Ascensión implican el uso de fuego por fricción, a veces puede sentirse como si estuviera en una olla a presión de energía intensa a medida que las energías de baja frecuencia son empujadas a la superficie y se enfrenta a las manifestaciones negativas de sus pensamientos y acciones pasadas, su cuerpo a veces se calentará hasta un punto febril cuando esté en el proceso de quemar la vieja energía destructiva.

También puede sentir como si su columna vertebral fuera una vara de fuego cuando su Ser Superior está descargando una serie de patrones vibratorios de frecuencia más alta. Nuestra amada mensajera Rama ha experimentado estas oleadas de poder muchas veces en el pasado cuando fusionamos nuestras energías más plenamente con las de ella en preparación para un seminario o una intensa sesión de canalización, fuego solar asterisco fuego del alma, los magníficos, poderosos y vibrantes hijos de la creación irradian energía solar, fuego a todos los seres vivos, es una manifestación externa del poder y la esencia dadora de vida del Creador Supremo y de nuestro Padre/Madre Dios.

Cuando te vuelves consciente y comienzas a prestar atención a los empujones de tu alma y del Ser Superior, el fuego divino comienza a arder intensamente dentro del centro de tu corazón. El fuego solar de los grandes soles en todo el Omniverso Iluminan los cielos y disipan la oscuridad y otras manifestaciones externas de la grandeza del creador, a medida que te adentras más y más en los misterios y maravillas de tu Ser Divino, el fuego del alma se convertirá en el fuego del espíritu y ya no serán sólo un ser humano con alma.

Una vez más te convertirás en un Divino Espiritual/Iluminado al estar disfrutando de una de las muchas manifestaciones diversas de la creación. El espíritu de nuestro Padre/Madre Dios mora dentro del alma y su misión es integrar la mayor cantidad posible de este fuego sagrado, fuego electromagnético, fuego del espíritu cuando haya alcanzado una firma energética compuesta de frecuencias de cuarta dimensión y superiores de Luz, deben recibir las partículas de Luz de espectro completo de la conciencia de Dios llamadas Partículas Adamantinas de Luz que son el combustible electromagnético de la creación.

Ya no están sujeto a las restrictivas frecuencias debilitantes de las densas tercera/cuarta dimensiones. Están listos para magnetizar, tomar un gran control e irradiar la esencia pura del Creador a medida que se convierten en un auto-maestro competente y un exitoso co-creador en el plano físico y electromagnético.

El fuego de la creación es parte de su derecho divino de nacimiento; sin embargo, debe demostrar que será un mayordomo responsable de este poderoso y magnífico fuego del espíritu antes de que se le permita ser un verdadero portador del Fuego/Luz cósmico.

Cerraremos esta misiva con más información vital que recientemente impartimos a nuestro mensajero. Estamos siempre cerca para guiarlos, protegerlos, inspirarlos y les transmitimos nuestra profunda gratitud y amor eterno.


. Message from Val Thor of the Intergalactic Confederation

Via Pao / Galactic Heart – Note from Pao: Usually we don’t want to follow dates (we have learned), however, we are in times of great upheaval. We have been warned about the EBS (or EAS) lasting 10-14 days. Take heed to have some supplies if you can. The dark structures are being dismantled to free Humanity. Glory Be!


Received by Janet Doerr – Source

“An agreement was reached today between the Federation of Light and those that have been enslaving the population of Earth.

The agreement addresses the return to the people of Earth their freedom, and sets into motion the removal of and replacement of the systems of enslavement.

Universal Laws include Divine Justice. Those who have violated the Sovereign rights of others will be facing consequences of their actions in accordance with Divine Law. Consequences will be faced either on-planet or off-planet. Approximately 500,000 people will be leaving the Earth as this transition is accomplished over a period of months.

On October 30th, at midnight EST, there will be the beginning of a 10 – 14 day period of no communication systems. Internet, phone, and cell phone service will all cease.

The purpose of the cessation of communications is to allow the orderly transition of many systems into new Quantum systems, notably including:

  • The Quantum financial system
  • The Quantum election system, and
  • The Quantum communication systems

From October 30th onward during the period of transition, the US (and some other countries), will be under martial law.
The state of martial law is required to have clear lines of authority and decision-making during the period when the Corporation of the United States is announced to be officially ended, which will require new elections in accordance with the United States Constitution.

Generally speaking, there will be no interruption of power, water, and utilities, although minor interruptions may occur in specific areas for unique reasons.

The Federation of Light, in concert with the US Military, will take over television and radio channels and start continuous broadcasts to help the residents of the US, and those in other countries, to receive information about these changes.

NESARA will be announced and explained. According to NESARA, which was already signed into US Law, and upon its enactment, the US then has 120 days to have a new election, electing a President and Vice President, and all Federal Senators, Representatives, and other Federally elected roles.

Information on how these changes impact State elections will be provided during the broadcasted information briefings.

US Mid-Term elections scheduled for November 7th will be canceled/postponed until such time as they can be conducted using the new Quantum election system and reflecting the changes to the United States Federal Government.

Due to the major impacts of no communications on the airlines and other forms of transportation for this extended period of time, people are encouraged not to travel during this period.

Due to the shift to a largely cashless society, and with the closure of all banks during the 10-14 day period, people are encouraged to prepare in advance of October 30th. It is suggested that everyone have adequate stored food, medicines, and other essential supplies to cover their needs during this two- week period, as many businesses will not function without communication services.

Please consider the needs of others who may experience hardship in this situation.

Neighbors are encouraged to consider all other neighbors and provide compassionate support for each other.
Local emergency services will be asked to prepare to meet the needs of their local community, as much as possible.

People are encouraged to hold Faith that these changes are the answer to their prayers for more fairness, and an end to a “rigged system.”

During the month of October, there may be a series of events which the mainstream media may portray as dangerous or frightening. Please rest assured that the Galactic Federation will not allow such things as nuclear war to occur. Warheads are easily made inoperable even if they have been fired.

Please know that these events will serve the light to help more people understand that significant change is needed, desirable, and will support all Life.

Please pray for Peace, Harmony, good will among all people and all life on Earth, prosperity and an abundance of the God supply of all good things. Hold compassion and love in your hearts for your friends, family, neighbors, and all Life.

Take walks and get into Nature to help calm your central nervous systems.
Take time to get quiet and go within to connect with your higher self and inner guidance.

Call upon the Ascended Host (the angelic realms, the ascended masters, and other beings of light) for support, assistance, encouragement, and to calm yourself as needed.

Please share this information with friends, family, and neighbors.

Those of you who have been expecting these events are called upon to help those who may find this information new and surprising. Please help everyone know that the Divine Plan is unfolding, the Sovereignty of all life and the inhabitants of the Earth is being respected, and All is Well.

Thank you for listening.
We will provide additional information as events unfold.”

Val Thor, on behalf of the Intergalactic Confederation


. Unprecedented Breaking Update – Timelines: Earth Liberation Battles and the Solar Micro-Nova

Corey GoodeOctober 23, 202220 Comments

The SSP Alliance and the Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN) received a pretty major briefing from Emmi (Eyosian/Zulu ET Race) several months ago about the upcoming timeline of the liberation of our Solar System. This briefing was delivered on the behalf of the New Guardians who until now had been the most mysterious of the Guardians.

The information was full of details that we were told to keep confidential until the right time. I was shocked to receive a message this morning that I was authorized to release a brief summary of the timeline briefing with more to come in the following months and years as clearance is granted. Never before had we been given the details of future events in our briefings let alone been authorized to share them with the masses.

The GGLN, the SSP Alliance, and our ET Allies are currently clearing the damage done by the Orion Group and its allies, including the Dark Fleet – who has given humanity a very bad name in much of our Galaxy. The GGLN-led armada is working its way from the outer rim of our Galaxy to Earth, undoing as much of the damage the Orion Group and the Dark Fleet have caused. In some cases, Dark Fleet personnel have been delivered to star systems to be tried for crimes against that civilization. It apparently takes the GGLN-led armada until the year 2025 – in our timeframe – to work their way back to begin liberating their own Solar System.

Meanwhile, during this entire timeline, the surface population of Earth deals with more and more end times madness behavior due to the increased solar activity which also creates earthquakes and storms that seem to become more frequent and powerful. We see humanity dealing more and more with totalitarian governments who use disease and potential wars to strip away their rights as a transhumanist agenda is forced upon a population that is not in its right mind.

The battle on the surface of the Earth and a positive timeline is still ours to win or lose, it is a battle that will be fought all the way until the solar micro-nova occurs in 2033/34. The micro-nova is not an Extinction Level Event as some are reporting, though there will be significant upheavals and natural disasters that occur. Strange Mandela effects pick up as we get closer to the solar event causing further confusion in an already chaotic environment. When the actual micro-nova occurs it is so powerful that the exact time and date cannot be pinpointed even with all of these other details being given to me with complete confidence by the Eyosians while in the presence of the New Guardians.

Emmi had called a meeting with the leaders of the GGLN and SSP Alliance where – for the first time – the Guardians shared future events. The New Guardians shared that the Galactic Timeline had shifted in our favor and that there was nothing the Orion Group, their Allies, or their AI God could do to prevent their defeat. While the Galaxy seems to have entered its own most positive timeline, each solar system still has its own choice to make.

From the years 2028 – 2033, the surface population is slowly introduced to the concept of a new ET group – The Galactic Federation of Worlds. Eventually, towards 2032 this ET group reveals itself to the population of Earth while defending the Earth against holographically generated enemies and warning us of a mass invasion of our solar system. They use deception to gather the military forces of the Earth to fight against the incoming GGLN-led forces and their ET Allies.

When the micro-nova occurs it locks in the timeline that Humanity has chosen. Even though all of the transhumanist technologies will be destroyed in the solar event, the intent of the mass consciousness will have chosen a positive or not-so-positive timeline as we move into the next solar cycle – one that is now of a 4th density vibration. We were told that even if Humanity chose a negative timeline once again, it would be the last one possible due to the energetic changes of our Sun and this region of the Galaxy. At worst we are looking at one more cycle that will last tens of thousands of years and at best, we are about to choose the path to a spiritual rather than technological evolution that will lead our civilization into a golden age with a unified 4th density mass consciousness.

The Operation to Liberate the Solar System 2025-2033/34:

Sentinel LOS (Lunar Operation Station) to be liberated in 2025 – Way station that monitors traffic and activity from a super gate (Galactic Portal) outside of our Solar System

The battle to liberate Mars occurs at the end of the year 2025. The ZULU/Eyosians transport the Wandering Star and a small fleet of GGLN and SSP Alliance Ground Forces to Mars as the larger GGLN-led fleet enters the solar system to confront the armada of Orion Group and Galactic Federation of Worlds vessels who have gathered around Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. A fierce battle ensues between these space armadas from 2025-2032 as the allies root out every vessel and breach every base that the Orion Group and their allies have inhabited for tens of thousands of years. Most of the ET bases exist within dimensional pockets that have to be invaded and ‘collapsed’ one by one.

Ceres Station, the ICC mining operation, and their automated defense system in the ‘Asteroid Belt’ are liberated in 2026 allowing the GGLN and SSP Alliance fleet to push further into the solar system and face Orion Group and Galactic Federation of Words fleets that are left in the inner solar system.

The GGLN-led forces invade the Moon to liberate the LOC base complex and to remove all negative alien bases in the year 2027. Liberating the Moon finally ends the increasing Alien Abductions of millions of people on the surface of the planet carried out by the Orion Group – Grey Alien Biodroids.

In 2028, after the battle to liberate the Moon and the LOC, the GGLN had the intel they needed to invade the ICC Space Port in Antarctica and then fight their way down through the Space Port and then miles down into the Earth’s crust as they follow the tunnel networks that lead from the Space Port to dozens of ICC and Orion Group DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases). This battle then leads down to the vast Inner Earth realms and lasts until 2032.

. ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. Censorship, Fauci & The Truth About Big Pharma

The Digital Freedom Platform


Hi there,  Here at London Real we have consistently championed those who, like us, found themselves on the margins of the mainstream, in particular during 2020 and for much of the time since. We firmly believe in everybody’s right to Freedom of Speech. Not to antagonise or cajole but as part of our overall growth, to expand and challenge our own personal, long-held beliefs. You need a dissenting opinion as a prerequisite to any rigorous debate that can help us all build a stronger, healthier society.   The big questions must be asked and answered as part of any discussions that lead to far-reaching consequences. Throughout the pandemic we hosted nearly 50 guests on our Digital Freedom Platform (and continue to do so) ranging from scientists, authors, politicians, philosophers and just about everybody else who had found themselves on the wrong side of the government and big tech coordinated crackdown that led an almost daily deplatforming of anyone who happened to query the mainstream narrative.  One of those guests who completely changed my perspective on vaccines and the surrounding science was Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  Robert of course is the nephew of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy and an environmental activist, attorney, author and freedom fighter who has spent his working life challenging those in power and the purpose and practices of some of the biggest organisations on the planet.  Robert was educated at Harvard and the London School of Economics, graduating in 1976 with a Bachelor of Arts in American History and Literature. He also received a doctorate and master’s degrees in law from the University of Virginia and Pace University before beginning his career firstly as assistant to the District Attorney of New York in 1983 and then settling into a position that would form a new direction in his life, as Chief Attorney for the non-profit organisation, Riverkeeper.  Riverkeeper’s sole aim was the preservation of the Hudson River and Robert really found his calling as he helped initiate environmental actions and litigate those companies responsible for polluting and contaminating the waterways.  Time Magazine heralded Robert as one of their “Heroes for the Planet” and this informed the decision to create the Waterkeeper Alliance – an umbrella organisation that helped spawn nearly 350 similar groups across the planet, all dedicated to promoting “swimmable, fishable, drinkable waterways.”  Conservationism and environmental concerns form the backbone of Robert’s service to the world, his commitment to ensuring clean air and water for all, is a truly admirable campaign. And, alongside this, he became Chairman of the Children’s Health Defense, a non-profit that looks at the spiralling epidemic of chronic health conditions and autoimmune diseases in children, reportedly a consequence of increasing exposure to certain dangerous chemicals.   His articles have appeared in a range of publications such as The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and Rolling Stone. He is a fierce and uncompromising advocate for healing the planet and its people and promotes the need to protect our natural resources and allow everyone access to our most fundamental and essential rights.


However, over the last 2 plus years Robert has found himself as the poster boy for the “anti-vax” movement in a manner portrayed by the mainstream media that ignores his depth of understanding and incredibly detailed scientific research. In return, Robert has been on a mission to expose the contradictory and draconian response to COVID-19 by the government and the World Health Organisation, which he sees as being spearheaded by one man, Dr Anthony Fauci.   Robert’s bestselling book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ that sold over 1 million copies despite extreme censorship and a near total media blackout, breaks down how Dr Fauci has enabled the big pharmaceutical companies to make enormous profits that have come at the expense of public health. It is an incredibly detailed account that leaves no stone unturned. So important is the information it reveals, that this October will see the release of a two part documentary on the topic.   Robert’s most recent book, ‘A Letter to Liberals: Censorship and COVID: An Attack on Science and American Ideals’, explores the impact of the government response to COVID-19, the data relating to the vaccine rollout, the efficacy of masks, lockdowns and everything in between, including the influence big pharma had on government mandates, while diving deep on the dwindling values of the Democratic Party, once the home of healthy scepticism and critical thinking.   “Complex scientific and moral problems are not resolved through censorship of dissenting opinions, deleting content from the Internet, or defaming scientists and authors who present information challenging to those in power. Censorship leads instead to a greater distrust of both government institutions and large corporations.”  Robert is currently writing two more books, ‘The Wuhan Cover Up – How US Health Officials Conspired with the Chinese Military to Hide the Origins of COVID-19’ and ‘Vax-Unvax – Let the Science Speak’ which go one step further in exposing the truly complex web of control and censorship at the heart of this story. This is a huge episode and I urge you not to miss it and to share it with friends and family alike.


Download Exclusive Clips
A number of clips from this groundbreaking panel discussion are now available to download, share and repost. Spread the word and defend our human rights: grab these clips today!

It was all about the priorities of big pharma
How Pfizer vaccine was tested
Pfizer vaccine causing cardiac arrest
The conflicts of interest in vaccine safety research
Mainstream media is an extension of big pharma
Big tech companies and censorship
CIA’s relationship with Silicon Valley
A letter to liberalsThis is what Anthony
Fauci did to us
The liberals lack critical thinking
Complete obedience to authorities
Tell me where I got it wrong
Unvaccinated people are much healthier
The agenda and the pandemic


Your champion for free speech, 

Brian Rose
Founder & Host
London Real & The Digital Freedom Platform WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED.
WE WILL NOT BE STOPPED. #londonrealarmy #digitalfreedomplatform #banned The Digital Freedom Platform

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. Chimera Situation Update

Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Light forces have made significant breakthroughs in clearing the Chimera group. They have cleared all underground pits with Chimera presence except the main Chimera pit under the Urim military base in Israel. Twelve members of the main Chimera military command (the last remaining members of the Orion subfaction of the Chimera) living in that pit are controlling the network of surface population biochips and implants through a physical / etheric quantum supercomputer.

The Light forces have begun with the operation of clearing the surface population biochips and implants with full force, implementing advanced Mjolnir quantum cannon technologies. This operation will take some time, but will have a very beneficial effect on deprogramming the surface population, and upon its completion, a massive spiritual awakening of the surface population is expected.

Mjolnir technologies are also used to clear micro black holes from the auric fields of the etheric, astral, mental and causal bodies of the surface humanity. These micro black holes were enforced into human auric fields with exotic dark technologies during trauma dissociation events, and are one of the main elements of dark matrix in the last 25,000 years. These micro black holes, along with the larger black holes in the implants, distort non physical spacetime around surface humans in alignment with the Kerr metric:


The Lurker is being starved out simply by depleting the reservoir of the unmanifested subquantum anomaly, which is being done again with advanced Mjolnir technology which provokes unmanifested subquantum anomaly to manifest as quantum fluctuations, which are then easily cleared.

One reader of this blog has made a quite accurate description of the Lurker:

The only pits remaining now are about 300 pits belonging to the surface Illuminati, and they are very accurately described here:

Unfortunately, some of those pits still contain Pleiaidian hostages in captivity.

There are still certain very powerful members of the Chimera in human clone bodies, belonging to Andromeda subfaction, infiltrated in the system on the surface of the planet, and their structure looks approximately like this:

The plan of the top members of the Cabal is now to destroy the surface civilization with world war and destruction of supply chains and then move into subsurface pits to weather out the collapse and the subsequent Solar flash. After the purge, they plan to repopulate the surface. Needless to say, their plan has several major flaws and will NOT be successful:



They are trying to engineer a new world war by utilizing the energies of the split of the Roman empire which happened in the year 395 after the death of Theodosius, a main archon Roman emperor who destroyed Goddess mysteries and enforced Christianity as the main and only acceptable religion:

Top Black nobility families now want to crush the affluent Western USA / EU / Australia axis, which originates from the western part of the Roman empire and which is under direct Rothschild management. People in the West have become too independent and too happy for their taste:



They are now promoting a New World Order under Chinese control and Russia as the main Chinese underdog (culturally aligned with the eastern part of the Roman empire):


With Chinese influence spreading silently everywhere:



Meanwhile, China is preparing for the Solar flash:


with recent scientific studies confirming solar superflares occuring every few thousand years, which is due now:


The extraterrestrials are just around the corner:

And although our current surface civilization is fake and stupid:


there is already Light shining through the cracks in the Matrix.

You can help that Light by purifying the surface of the planet with the violet flame meditation:


Victory of the Light!